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UK housing crisis is hitting older people too, not just the young

Britain’s housing shortage is never far from the top of the political agenda.

Creating Age-Friendly Communities Through the Experiences of Villages: Summary of Longitudinal Member Outcomes

This report summarizes the results of a longitudinal survey that assessed changes over time in self reported outcomes of Village members.

Rise in Older Women Now Couch Surfing or Sleeping in Their Car

Imagine reaching the age of 55 and having to choose between couch surfing or sleeping in your car each night. This is the situation for thousands of older women in Australia. Last year 1,618 women aged over 50 who presented at homelessness services were couch surfing according to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data. This number has risen by 83% in the last four years.

Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village Sector Report

This report presents the Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village;s findings and makes 17 recommendations to improve the legislative framework for retirement villages and the operational practices of both the industry and the regulator, NSW Fair Trading. It recommned that the operation of the retirement village sector be improved in three key areas: - increasing the transparency of exit fees and

Alternative accommodation models in later life

A review of a number of alternative accommodation models for seniors with links to specific projects in Australia and the US.

Older Women and Homelessness: Lived Experiences of Accessing Social and Health Services

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the experiences of accessing health and social services for older women (50+) who have lived experience with homelessness. The connection between mental health issues, substance dependence, and trauma is recognized by many health and social service providers.

What can Australia learn from Finland's housing solution?

Eoin O'Sullivan, editor of the European Journal of Homelessness, says that Finland had investigated the issue of homelessness and decided "it's not that complex". "They said 'the first thing we need to deal with people's issues is housing', so they built a lot of housing for homeless people,"

2017 Rental Affordability Snapshot

This eighth annual Rental Affordability Snapshot by Anglicare Australia comes at a time where there seems to be, finally, a universal agreement that there is a housing affordability crisis. As is shown by the consistency of our findings over the last eight years, this discussion is only just catching up to what many Australians have experienced for a much longer time.

Housing requirements for a ageing society

Various countries in the world have been experiencing a rapid ageing in population.

AAA Housing for Older Australians- making it affordable, accessible, appropriate

COTA Australia 2017 National Policy Forum. The key understanding that underpinned the entire day’s discussions is that secure housing is fundamental to wellbeing.
