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The Village Movement: A Neighborly Way to Age in Place

The village community model combines aging in place with the type of interdependent living that helps make aging alone for longer possible. It’s an innovative take on what life in traditional American villages used to offer—trusted relationships with neighbors and the wider community. A nonprofit, grassroots solution that’s governed by its members.

Metro-based retirees affected by housing affordability

The latest Milliman Retirement Expectations and Spending Profiles report found that those retires who rent privately in Sydney saw their annual cost of living two-thirds higher in order to enjoy the same life quality as homeowners.

What can Australia learn from Finland's housing solution?

Eoin O'Sullivan, editor of the European Journal of Homelessness, says that Finland had investigated the issue of homelessness and decided "it's not that complex". "They said 'the first thing we need to deal with people's issues is housing', so they built a lot of housing for homeless people,"

2017 Rental Affordability Snapshot

This eighth annual Rental Affordability Snapshot by Anglicare Australia comes at a time where there seems to be, finally, a universal agreement that there is a housing affordability crisis. As is shown by the consistency of our findings over the last eight years, this discussion is only just catching up to what many Australians have experienced for a much longer time.

Alternative accommodation models in later life

A review of a number of alternative accommodation models for seniors with links to specific projects in Australia and the US.

Housing affordability crisis is bad for Gen Y but worse for Baby Boomers

Australia has the second-highest rate of poverty among those on pensions in all OECD nations. Our retirement system basically takes the inequality that exists in our society at the moment and then magnifies it in retirement.

AAA Housing for Older Australians- making it affordable, accessible, appropriate

COTA Australia 2017 National Policy Forum. The key understanding that underpinned the entire day’s discussions is that secure housing is fundamental to wellbeing.

Housing requirements for a ageing society

Various countries in the world have been experiencing a rapid ageing in population.

Revolutionary day care for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Dementia villages

Glenner Town Square, a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia, is set to open in San Diego next spring. It is a reimagined, new kind of day care: a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia. The concept is based on reminiscence therapy.

Housing affordability is not just about youth. 15,000 seniors are homeless

As hard as it is for young people to get a foot on the property ladder, it’s even harder for pensioners and low to middle income renters to get a foot in the door ... any door. Private rental accommodation is now more unaffordable than owner-occupied. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people who rent spend more of their income on housing than people with a mortgage.
