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Queensland: an age-friendly community - Action Plan

This action plan, which was informed by more than 9000 responses to our survey, outlines the Queensland Government’s priorities, initiatives and services that contribute to building age-friendly communities and supporting our strategic direction statement, Queensland: an age-friendly community.

Why secure and affordable housing is an increasing worry for aged pensioners

The average housing costs of older (65-plus) outright homeowners in lone-person households were A$38 a week in 2013-14, the Australian Bureau of Statistics calculated, compared to $103 for older social housing tenants and $232 for older private renters. The power of affordable and secure housing to create a foundation for a decent life for people dependent on the age pension is clear. However, t

A literature review of homelessness and aging: Suggestions for a policy and practice-relevant research agenda

This report reviews the state of literature on aging and homelessness. A substantial literature spanning several decades explores homelessness and the programs designed to address this issue ( Lee, Tyler, & Wright, 2010; Shlay & Rossi, 1992; Toro, 2007; Trypuc & Robinson, 2009).

How Will Housing for Older Adults Change?

This US article looks at the three major trends driving the future of housing: changing demographics and related psychographics, a shift in health care from fee-for-service to more values-based models and accelerating advances in technology.

Providing a sustainable living environment in not-for-profit retirement villages: A case study in Australia

In Australia, 40.1 per cent of retirement villages are not-for-profit. Not-for-profit developers face more challenges than private developers mainly because sustainable retirement villages need more financial resources, which is challenging for not-for-profit developers given their limited financial means.

Cohousing: a solution for the Elderly?

A discussion on the pros and cons of cohousing as a solution to Italy's ageing population's housing needs.

The Social Housing Ageing & Disability Crisis

Allied to the UK's rapidly ageing population and the rising number of people developing dementia, the need to provide safe social housing for those who are older and/or disabled is becoming increasingly urgent and intense. A major piece of recent research by the Smith Institute forecasts that by 2034 there will be 170,000 more residents with mobility problems living in housing association pr

Older People and Housing: Towards a Wiser Community

The New Age of Ageing, identified the ways in which older people are viewed in society.

Housing Boomers - A report on housing issues facing South Australia's older population

This report addresses housing for older people on two primary levels; housing stress and homelessness.

The Ache for Home: A Plan to Address Chronic Homelessness and Housing Unaffordability in Australia

Australia has a crisis in the supply of social and affordable housing. This is evidenced by the hundreds of thousands who are experiencing homelessness, on wait-lists for public housing, or living in severe housing stress. Taken together, the statistics tell us that across Australia there are over 105,000 people experiencing homelessness and 875,000 households experiencing housing stress.
