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Single Ageing Women & Housing Security: A Pilot Study of Women Living in the Cities of Unley and Salisbury

Ageing is a policy challenge for all levels of government within Australia, as it is for societies the world over. In many respects, Australia is in an enviable position with respect to ageing strategies, possessing comparatively strong health, welfare and superannuation systems, a relatively strong economy and a high standard of living.

Housing for an Aging Population

We use the American Housing Survey to examine the distribution and occupancy of homes that have, or could be modified to have, accessibility features that allow seniors to successfully remain in the community as they age. Despite the aging population and the growing need for accessible housing, the U.S.

Older Renters: The New Face of Poverty

Older private renters, especially those who are single and female, are the new face of poverty The number of older, single women in the private rental market increased by a massive 50 percent between the 2006 and 2011 ABS Censuses.

An Emerging Research Strand: Housing Exclusion in Central and South East Europe

There was large-scale restructuring of welfare arrangements in the post-soviet states of CEE and SEE in the post-transition years, with newly emerging social challenges including various forms of housing exclusion and homelessness. This article summarises the state of research and some evidence in the CEE and SEE region.

What kind of housing is preferred by older adults and seniors?

In world-wide research seniors are most concerned with housing being affordable, appropriate, and available.

Neighbourhood Support and Aging-in-Place Preference Among Low-Income Elderly Chinese City-Dwellers

Aging-in-place (AIP) refers to “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level” ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014 ). Promoting AIP is a policy objective for both developed and developing countries ( World Health Organization, 2007 ).

How can local government be better associated with delivering housing for an ageing population?

This paper offers an overview of the challenges local authorities face in housing and caring for an ageing population and suggests that Local Government must have a key role in meeting this challenge.

Green Book 50 Years On The Reality of Homelessness for Families Today

Research compares 1996 and 2016 homelessness, plus extensive research in 2016 causes and consequences of homelessness for families in the UK.

Providing a sustainable living environment in not-for-profit retirement villages: A case study in Australia

In Australia, 40.1 per cent of retirement villages are not-for-profit. Not-for-profit developers face more challenges than private developers mainly because sustainable retirement villages need more financial resources, which is challenging for not-for-profit developers given their limited financial means.

Cohousing: a solution for the Elderly?

A discussion on the pros and cons of cohousing as a solution to Italy's ageing population's housing needs.
