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Foresight Future of an Ageing Population - International Case Studies Case Study 12: Intergenerational living in Spain

This case study looks at an innovative purpose-built intergenerational housing and community scheme in Alicante that combines housing for older people with accommodation for people under 35 with low incomes who have some community engagement experience.

Senior Cohousing in Cost Cutting Research

This paper concerns the issues of senior cohousing with a particular emphasis on the residents’ gender. Senior cohousing is an alternative way of living for older people in the 21th century.

Do the generations need each other or “never the twain should meet”?

This paper examines the position of the older person within the housing system and puts forward innovative and inspirational ideas for the retirement sector in Wales. However, the main theme has to be the need for a radical transformation of the Welsh retirement sector so that the options available are vibrant, provide lifelong purpose and participation, companionship and visitability.

Almshouses: their role in housing policy

Almshouses are charitable organisations, some of which are also Registered Social landlords.

Washington: The Ideal Place to Grow Older

In the US, the majority of adults 65 and older want to stay in their own home and community as they age. Across the nation cities grapple with the needs of older adults. The nonprofit Milken Institute’s Best Cities for Successful Living report, found several cities to be ahead of the curve, Washington is an example, with the growth of villages that support ageing in the community.

Effectiveness of the homelessness service system

There is a large body of evidence on the effectiveness of individual homelessness services and programs in terms of client outcomes. Overwhelmingly this evidence shows that individual services and programs are effective in bringing about positive housing and non- housing outcomesfor their clients; they are also cost-effective.

Future of an Ageing Population

The ageing population will change demand for housing in the UK. In particular,it is likely that more adaptable and specialised housing will be needed. Suitable housing can significantly improve life in older age, while unsuitable housing can be the source of multiple problems and costs. Homes will be increasingly used as places of work and care.

Time is running out to find solutions to housing problems faced by Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population

While there has been plenty of discussion on Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population, a solution to housing the elderly has yet to be identified so that a coherent policy can be implemented. Figures indicate that by 2034, almost one-third of the population will be aged 65 or older, which will create huge demand to build quality housing for that group of people.

Older Renters: The New Face of Poverty

Older private renters, especially those who are single and female, are the new face of poverty The number of older, single women in the private rental market increased by a massive 50 percent between the 2006 and 2011 ABS Censuses.

An Emerging Research Strand: Housing Exclusion in Central and South East Europe

There was large-scale restructuring of welfare arrangements in the post-soviet states of CEE and SEE in the post-transition years, with newly emerging social challenges including various forms of housing exclusion and homelessness. This article summarises the state of research and some evidence in the CEE and SEE region.
