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Foresight Future of an Ageing Population - International Case Studies Case Study 12: Intergenerational living in Spain

This case study looks at an innovative purpose-built intergenerational housing and community scheme in Alicante that combines housing for older people with accommodation for people under 35 with low incomes who have some community engagement experience.

Senior Cohousing in Cost Cutting Research

This paper concerns the issues of senior cohousing with a particular emphasis on the residents’ gender. Senior cohousing is an alternative way of living for older people in the 21th century.

Strategies for Aging in Place: The Experience of Language-Minority Seniors With Loss of Independence

For healthy and independent older adults, aging in place can be seen as identical to any other adult living at home. Little is known about how frail seniors, particularly those who speak a minority language, manage the challenges of aging in place.

‘New ideas to old problems’ needed says head of innovative housing service

Australia needs new solutions to address the growing number of homeless seniors,particularly women. Innovative solutions to look after this cohort are needed. This article looks at Common Ground Tasmania which opened in 2012. Older women have been drawn to the model as it provides safe and secure accommodation with a sense of community and purpose.

Sustaining the Village Movement: Lessons From Pioneers About Village Business Models and Sustainability

Over the past 10 years in the US, the Village model has emerged as a leading model to support aging in the community. The Village model is a pioneering, community-based approach that leverages existing assets and builds stronger ties within the community.

Village Life: Independence, Loneliness, and Quality of Life in Retirement Villages with Extra Care

The underlying philosophy behind extra care as a concept when it comes to housing with care is that it offers an alternative to residential care, providing a home for life. This report surveyed residents in retirement villages that offer extra care support in order to explore three other objectives of extra care housing that have emerged: • It can promote greater independence and provide greater

Seniors and Housing: The Challenge Ahead

This Canadian report describes the relationship between an aging population, evolving demands for housing and transportation, and the role being played by municipal governments in building and adapting cities and communities to respond to these changes. The discussion is positioned within the context of major socio-economic trends and policy frameworks in Canada, and the difficult decisions confr

The housing crisis destroying the lives of single women

The single older woman who doesn’t own her own home has become one of the most at-risk groups in Australia due to the rising cost of rent and the lack of jobs for older Australians.

Meeting the Housing Needs of an Aging Population

The aging population in the US is more economically and ethnically diverse than any before, and will require a greater and more varied inventory of housing stock. There are significant implications for housing markets, as the need for homes that are affordable, accessible, and located in proximity to social and commercial centers and public transportation will rise.

The situation of older people becoming homeless

A presentation outlining the problems England and Wales are currently facing in the area of an increasingly ageing homeless demographic.
