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Are housing associations ready for an ageing population?

The continuous growth in the number of older people in the UK will dramatically change how society will look and how it will function. This demographic shift is one of the main talking points of public debate and presents a considerable challenge for government and policymakers.

At Risk of Homelessness: Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

The Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities project has been a ground-breaking initiative that has aimed to, and succeeded in, significantly improving access to affordable housing options for older people from high need CALD communities in Victoria.When Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV)

Chinese Demographics and Aging, Health, and Place

China faces the need for major reforms in healthcare capacity, coverage, affordability and access for rural populations, migrant workers, and an increasingly aging population. There is a need for more diversity in housing types, increased public infrastructure, and innovative social welfare programs for the rapidly growing aged population, who may no longer be able to depend on children or govern

Housing Older Australians: Loss of home ownership and pathways into housing assistance

In Australia and other ‘homeownership societies’ it has been conventional to think of housing pathways in terms of a smooth linear progression, leading to outright ownership in middle age and a retirement buffered by low housing costs. This vision of the welfare role of home ownership is an important buttress of Australian retirement incomes policy.

Seniors in Spain are saying no to nursing homes

Examining the rise of co-housing and elderly housing co-operatives in Spain as alternatives to aged care facilities.

Seniors downsizing on their own terms: Overcoming planning, legal and policy impediments to the creation of alternative retirement communities

It seems there are as many reasons for seniors making downsizing decisions as there are individual seniors. Some common themes have emerged however. First, despite the tacit encouragement of downsizing in Australia and elsewhere, most seniors resist moving in order to downsize.

A Home of One's Own: Shared Equity Housing for Older Single Women

This project was established to research and develop a shared equity model of home ownership, specifically geared to the needs of lower income women over the age of 55 years.

Housing Decisions of Older Australians

The growing longevity and ageing of Australia’s population, as well as other structural and demographic changes, elevate the policy imperative to understand what drives the housing decisions of older people and the consequences for their wellbeing. This study aims to explore the drivers of those decisions, as well as some of the barriers to better outcomes.

Relationships between perceived aspects of home and symptoms in a cohort aged 67- 70.

The importance of the home environment increases with age. Perceived aspects of home influence life satisfaction, perceived health and independence in daily activities and well-being among very old people. However, research on health and perceived aspects of home among senior citizens in earlier phases of the aging process is lacking.

An Age Friendly City – how far has London come?

The Institute of Gerontology has undertaken this research. It follows their study for the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2006: What makes a city age-friendly?
