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Housing for Older People in Wales: An Evidence Review
The housing environments in which we age can play a determining role in ensuring that people remain engaged in their local communities and maintain a sense of autonomy and independence.
Population ageing poses an unprecedented challenge to policy makers and planners alike in Wales, and requires us to think “outside the box” if we are to provide older citizens with real choice of appropriately des
Tiny Houses are Becoming a Big Deal
The idea of living small, really small, is catching on. Tiny house communities are multiplying, and approximately two out of every five tiny house owners are over age 50. Tiny house converts and fans are hosting events and how-to workshops across the country. And builders and designers are catering to the demand.
Not A Group House, Not A Commune: Europe Experiments With Co-Housing
While still in architecture school, María García Mendez and Gonzalo Navarrete drafted a plan to re-design a high-density area of Alfafar, Valencia, using the principle of co-housing — in which residents trade and share space and resources, depending on their needs. It's not just an architecture project. It's a fusion of architecture and rehabilitation.
Older People’s Housing Design Guidance
This guidance provides details on the building design and service provision for two main types of housing in the Royal Borough of
Kensington and Chelsea, for older people: extra care housing and retirement housing.
This guide outlines design standards and considerations required to support the needs and aspirations of older people.
'Forgotten': South Korea's elderly struggle to get by
About half of South Korea's elderly live in relative poverty, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The traditional social structure, which saw children looking after their parents, has broken down. There is a growth in the number of homeless elders as a result .
The Pioneers of the Village Movement: An Exploration of Membership and Satisfaction Among Beacon Hill Village Members
Villages are designed by and for older adults, an idea that originated from a group of friends in Boston, Massachusetts, in preparation for their future and growing older in their homes and the vibrant community of Boston.
In 2002, Beacon Hill Village, a member-driven grassroots organization serving people age fifty and over became the first Village in the world, and gave rise the national Villag
Meeting the Housing Needs of an Ageing Population in Wales: Report of Recommendations
This report documents initial discussions and preliminary recommendations which emerged from an expert workshop held in June 2015 attended by experts from Wales, the rest of the
UK and other European countries.
The voices of mid-life women facing housing insecurity
Single, mid-life women in Australia have emerged as a group vulnerable to housing insecurity and having a high potential of homelessness in their old age (65+). Mid-life is used here to denote women aged between 40 and 65.
Muslims in Australia and their aged care needs: An exploratory study with special reference to South Australia
The Report “MUSLIMS IN AUSTRALIA AND THEIR AGED CARE NEEDS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA” was prepared for the Islamic Information Centre of South Australia (IICSA) as an important step toward making aged care in general, and residential care in particular, responsive to the needs of the Muslim community in South Australia.
Australian demographic trends and their implications for housing subsidies
This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to forecast future housing subsidies that will accompany projected demographic changes and the challenges these trends may pose for the fiscal sustainability of housing policy.