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Homelessness for older women a 'Sleeping Giant'

Ongoing research into a growing housing crisis among Australia’s ageing baby boomer women, especially in regional Australia, has identified the problem as a “sleeping giant”.

Housing conditions of Ireland’s older population - Implications for physical and mental health

A vital component of successful ageing is functional independence and good quality of life. Good housing conditions are important to maintain good mental and physical health.

Small area Indicators of Wellbeing for Older Australians (IWOA)

This work has identified a number of indicators of wellbeing for older people, and then brought these together into an index.

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand's planning system influences market outcomes

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand. It will then consider how the recently introduced Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, through its recognition of the importance of affordable housing supply,

Aging and Homelessness in a Canadian Context

There is a growing body of research examining the experiences of homeless older adults in Canada. Fourteen participants (11 males & 3 females) ages 46 to 57, recruited from the At Home / Chez Soi project in Winnipeg, completed individual semi-structured interviews exploring their experiences of homelessness. Most participants reported lifelong intermittent homelessness.

Growing Older Together: An Overview of Collaborative Forms of Housing for Older People

This case study report shows how collaborative models of service delivery for older people are now being widely adopted in the health and care sectors and suggests that the housing sector could do more to embrace this.

Housing and Ireland’s Older Population

It is sometimes argued that residential immobility on the part of older people results in the sub-optimal allocation of the housing stock. If older people remain in larger houses, then such houses are not available for the next generation of younger families.

Ending Homelessness in New Zealand:Final Report of the Cross-Party Inquiry on Homelessness

The hundreds of submissions and pieces of evidence presented to the Cross-Party Inquiry into Homelessness show that the level of homelessness in New Zealand is larger than any other time in recent memory and is continuing to grow.

Seniors Housing - Issues Identification Paper

This issues paper considers the housing experiences of seniors in Auckland, with a focus on vulnerable groups (asset poor renters and owner‐occupiers in a financially vulnerable situation). Community and Social Policy have identified housing issues facing seniors to be an emerging policy area for investigation. Auckland’s population is growing, and becoming older.

Is This Sustainable Village The Future Of Retirement?

This article looks at Serenbe, a New Urbanist community outside Atlanta, Georgia. Since opening in 2004, it has grown to include two villages of about 500 residents. Praised by urban planners, architects, and sustainability proponent, construction of the third village aims to make Serenbe a great place to grow old. And maybe a model for a new kind of retirement communities.
