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Paying the Price: Why so many older women are at risk of homelessness

They've worked or been caretakers (or both) their whole lives, but they are the fastest growing homeless demographic in Australia—thanks to a lifetime of gender discrimination.

Is This Sustainable Village The Future Of Retirement?

This article looks at Serenbe, a New Urbanist community outside Atlanta, Georgia. Since opening in 2004, it has grown to include two villages of about 500 residents. Praised by urban planners, architects, and sustainability proponent, construction of the third village aims to make Serenbe a great place to grow old. And maybe a model for a new kind of retirement communities.

Pathways to Homelessness Among Older Homeless Adults: Results from the HOPE HOME Study

Little is known about pathways to homelessness among older adults. We identified life course experiences associated with earlier versus later onset of homelessness in older homeless adults and examined current health and functional status by age at first homelessness. We interviewed 350 homeless adults, aged 50 and older, recruited via population-based sampling.

Is Cohousing the Best Solution to Aging Well?

The concept of cohousing as a housing choice for older people for its benefits of community & healthy ageing.

Where do record rental prices leave low-income earners?

Average house rents in metropolitan Melbourne have increased by 5.3%, with apartment rents growing by 2.8%, over the last three months. A lack of affordable rental properties is a problem in Sydney too.

Improving with age? How city design is adapting to older populations

By 2050, there will be more over-65s than children under 15. The number of people over 100 will increase by 1,000%. And as by then 70% of the world’s population will likely live in cites, this will present huge challenges, and cities will need to adapt. An ageing population is not inherently a bad thing: it reflects improved health and rising life expectancies.

Reframing "Aging in Place" to "Aging in Community": Exploring Innovative Models to Support Aging in Place in British Columbia

The purpose of this paper is to explore how shifting from a reliance on services provided under a publicly subsidized health care system to greater investment in social capital may bridge some of the existing gaps that prevent seniors from aging within their homes and communities.

Ageing in South Australia 2016

This report examines the attitudes, expectations and strategies of agencies working in aged care in South Australia in 2016.

Valuing Retirement Housing Exploring the economic effects of specialist housing for older people

The consequence of poor housing can be catastrophic. Older people in particular can see their quality of life diminish through frustration and misery at a lack of independence; and a hastened path to illness, hospitalisation and ultimately an earlier death. This UK report reveals that the impacts of inappropriate housing for older people.

How Will The Villages Age With Their Members?

As grassroots organizations of older adults, The Villages are based on the idea of neighbors helping neighbors. But having been around for 15 years, the national Village movement faces a new challenge. As they move into advanced age, there will be problems with memory loss, with fragility, with hospitalizations, with the need for more support on a regular basis.
