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Aging Population in China: Having a Senior Moment

The elderly care market in China is still in its infancy, despite the imminent demand of its rapidly aging population. At present, almost all nursing homes are publicly funded. This article looks at the opportunities for International businesses to provide alternatives to this model.

Broke retirees take over Australia's caravan parks

An article looking at the rise in retirees choosing to live permanently in caravan parks. Australia's expanding ranks of retirees, faced with skyrocketing house prices and inadequate savings, are set to boost demand for cheaper manufactured homes.

Older Homeless Women in Australia

Australia is often cited as an economic success story. Unfortunately, not everyone has reaped these economic benefits and concern has been mounting for some time about a deteriorating wealth divide within Australian society. Central to these concerns is the lack of affordable housing.

Housing America's Older Adult's: Meeting the Needs of an Older Population

A discussion looking at the scale of public policy challenges needed in addressing the implications of the profound demographic shift occurring in the US and the steps to address the deficiencies in the housing stock, community preparedness, and the health care system vital to the national standard of living.

Quality and choice for older people's housing: what can a new Private Rental Sector offer?

The past two years (2012-2013) have seen a growing interest in the potential role of a ‘new PRS’ in delivering quality housing and greater tenure choice ... with media interest, conferences and reports, a government Private Rented Sector Taskforce and funding for Build to Rent.

Work, care, retirement and health: Ageing "agendas"

This review examines existing literature regarding the ageing Australian population, increasing rates of women’s participation in paid work, the care economy and the retirement income system. Australia’s ageing population makes the issue of how men and women approach retirement a pressing public pol icy issue.

Innovative Seniors Housing and Care Models: What We Can Learn from the Netherlands

This report highlights some innovative seniors housing and care practices from the Netherlands. The first is the Humanitas Apartments for Life, where if and when residents need assisted living or nursing facility level care, it is brought to them, thereby eliminating stigma and relocation issues. The second is the unique dementia village of De Hogeweyk.

Exploring the Meaning of Home for Six Baby Boomers

Current policy and practice in the UK is that people should, wherever possible, age at home, but there is no research into what home means to baby boomers. Therefore, this researcher asks two questions. Firstly, how can the meaning of home for baby boomers be explored? Secondly, what influence does the life course have on the meaning of home for six baby boomers?

Security of tenure for the ageing population in Western Australia Does current housing legislation support Seniors’ ongoing housing needs?

The genesis of this research commenced several years ago as the impact of Western Australia’s ‘resources boom’ was becoming evident. . Although that period augured in years of prosperity for some Western Australians, for many – especially those on lower and fixed incomes – the rising cost of living became problematic.

Women and Homelessness in Spain

This work focuses on the situation of homeless women in present-day Spain. This constitutes both a social and a personal problem embedded in the dynamics of social exclusion and linked to the interplay among structural, family/relational, personal and cultural elements.
