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Security of tenure for the ageing population in Western Australia

The genesis of this research commenced several years ago as the impact of Western Australia’s ‘resources boom’ was becoming evident. Although that period augured in years of prosperity for some Western Australians, for many – especially those on lower and fixed incomes – the rising cost of living became problematic.

Is cohousing a suitable housing typology for an ageing population within the UK?

The study investigates why there are so few cohousing communities in the UK, particularly in light of their success in Europe and the US. It asks why cohousing has not taken off to the same extent as it has in Europe.

Older Women's Pathways out of Homelessness in Australia

This study examines pathways out of homelessness for older women in Australia. It seeks to understand the range of possible responses and program models that would assist in addressing their homelessness. It explicitly intends to inform the service sector.

An Alternative Age-Friendly Handbook (for the socially engaged urban practitioner

This Alternative Age-friendly Handbook provides a playful and critical exploration of what creative urban practitioners can bring to emerging debates around the creation of Age-friendly Cities. What follows is a series of suggested modes and methods of Age-friendly practice. Small-scale actions and interventions we can start taking now to create Age-friendly spaces.

Public housing stock transfer — impacts and implications for local government final report

This is the Final Report of a project that examines the impact of the South Australian Government’s announced program of public housing stock transfers to the community sector on local governments. The community housing sector in Australia is defined as not-for-profit housing and is made up of both larger and smaller organisations.

Housing for Older Persons: Options Paper

The government has made significant changes to the way social housing is delivered across New Zealand following recommendations in 2010 by the Housing Shareholders Advisory Group.

Making informed decisions on housing options: the value of advice and support for older people

The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the provision of a UK government-backed, centralised advice and support service, named FirstStop, can assist older people in making informed decisions on ways to plan ahead as their housing and care needs change. Drawing upon conceptual frameworks of residential decision making and through the use of in-depth interviews, the paper examin

Understanding Downsizing in Later Life and its Implications for Housing and Urban Policy

The ageing of the population is one of the major policy challenges of the 21st Century and has major implications for the future of Australian cities. Downsizing is often assumed as inevitable or necessary in housing and urban policy as a response to the ageing population, yet has been the subject of little research in Australia.

Aging in Place: Facilitating Choice and Independence

The paper looks at the ageing population in the US and what strategies are being considered to address the housing issues experienced by this cohort. A combination of demographic and economic shifts is creating a large and growing need for affordable and age-appropriate housing opportunities. Most seniors would prefer to age in place; home modifications are critical to this process, but the cos

Nursing for the older people in Japan

The Japanese government is switching its focus in care for the aged from facilities to local communities.
