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Moving Beyond ‘Aging In Place’ to Understand Migration and Aging: Place Making and the Centrality Of Occupation
‘Aging in place’ has become a key conceptual framework for understanding and addressing place within the aging process.
The challenge of an ageing population to future housing and urban policies
Discusses the impact on public policy, particularly housing, that the demographic changes to Denmark's population will bring. Matching housing demand with supply is a major challenge, with the government's priority of ageing in place.
Focus on Housing and the Health of Older People
Both the Northern Ireland (NI) and Republic of Ireland (ROI) governments have stated a policy preference for older people to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible, as they age. However, the implications of this policy aspiration have received less attention, particularly the relationship between housing and health.
Elderly Homeless Veterans in Los Angeles: Chronicity and Precipitants of Homelessness
Comparing the characteristics of chronically homeless and acutely homeless elderly veterans to better understand precipitants of homelessness.
A Good Life in Old Age? Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-Term Care
The Netherlands was the first amongst OECD countries to introduce compulsory Social Health Insurance for long-term care in 1968. Since 1994, it has been one of the few countries to advocate personal care budgets.
Long-term care in the Netherlands has comprehensive coverage, the possibility to choose services in cash, and a high availability of home care services.
A Good Life in Old Age? Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-Term Care,
Long-term care in Belgium is viewed as a health risk and institutional arrangements reflect a “medical model” of care delivery (as opposed to a welfare model). Belgium’s public health insurance system provides for comprehensive universal coverage for all cost associated with acquiring assistance for daily activities.
Age-Friendly Chicago Phase 1 Findings from focus groups with older adults in Chicago’s senior centers
This report is designed to prompt discussion about the future challenges associated with increasing numbers of older adults aging in place in the city.
We aim to present older Chicagoans’ views and opinions of their city as an enabling and/or disabling environment.
A Tale of Two Community Initiatives for Promoting Aging in Place: Similarities and Differences in the National Implementation of NORC Programs and Villages
Villages and Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) Supportive Service Programs (NORC programs) are among the most prominent community-based models for promoting aging in place. To advance systematic understanding of their development, this study examined how these models have been implemented nationally and the models’ similarities and differences.
The cost of homelessness and the net benefit of homelessness programs: a national study
Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) aim to assist people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, to access and maintain stable and secure accommodation. Integral in achieving these outcomes, they aim also to assist clients to become self- reliant and independent, improve health and well-being outcomes and to re-establish positive social connections and employment participation.
Assets, debt and the drawdown of housing equity by an ageing population
This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to uncover the uses, financial costs and risks of housing equity withdrawal (HEW) via alternative mechanisms by older Australians.