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Meeting the Housing and Care Needs of Older Homeless Adults: A Permanent Supportive Housing Program Targeting Homeless Elders

The homeless population is aging faster than the general population in the United States. As this vulnerable population continues to age, addressing complex care and housing needs will become increasingly important.

Sustainable, Affordable Housing for Older Adults: A Case Study of Factors that Affect Development in Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon, is considered to be a leader in sustainable development. Government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and businesses have been innovators in policymaking and practice that is aimed at creating a more sustainable city.

Aging in Community: The Communitarian alternative to aging in place, alone

The prospect of aging, particularly in our culture rampant with ageism, is disconcerting, even frightening to many people. These feelings were the impetus for a small group of us to gather in 1999.

A Housing need and demand analysis

Seniors Cohousing is a still a relatively novel concept in Canada, with only one operating community and three new projects underway. A goal of the non profit Canadian Senior Cohousing Society is to raise awareness of the need for community and for mutual social support through Active Aging study groups. A group of households then form to aquire a site and build the houses and common house.

Prevalence of Homeless Older Adults and Factors Causing Their Homelessness: A Review

Objectives: To examine the prevalence of homeless older adults and causes of homelessness among the elderly. Methods: Systematic review involving search of Medline, Cochrane Review and GoogleScholar, including homeless, homelessness, elder, elderly, aged and in old age. For prevalence, articles before 2000 were excluded, and samples had to be at least 50 ±5 years of age.

The desire to age in place among older Australians

Many older Australians report a desire to age in place. This bulletin explores the relationship between this desire and the housing circumstances of older Australians of different tenure types; that is, those who own their home outright, those paying a mortgage and those who rent their home either privately or through social housing.

Sheltering Homeless Seniors Literature Review

The papers that make up the literature review are a combination of published research, grey literature, and government documents. Qualitative and quantitative research papers were included. Service provider input was a mixture of both perspectives. The readings arc across a broad range of learning around homeless seniors and their challenges.

Intergenerational Housing Support between Retired Old Parents and their Children in Urban China

Tackling low housing affordability in cities has become a key concern for the Chinese government, as it is increasingly associated with ensuring social stability as well as guaranteeing a decent standard of living for urban residents.

The Effect of Social and Built Environment Factors on Aging in Place (AIP): A Critical Synthesis

This project presents a critical synthesis of recent literature (2000-2013) related to aging in place in the urban environment. Definitions across multiple disciplines including geography, gerontology, sociology, and psychology are reviewed and inform the development of a proposed holistic definition of optimal aging in place.

Understanding Downsizing in Later Life and its Implications for Housing and Urban Policy

The ageing of the population is one of the major policy challenges of the 21st Century and has major implications for the future of Australian cities. Downsizing is often assumed as inevitable or necessary in housing and urban policy as a response to the ageing population, yet has been the subject of little research in Australia.
