Karen Croucher
Lifetime Neighbourhoods
It is increasingly recognised that it is not just our homes, but also the neighbourhoods where we live that have a significant role in keeping us well and independent as we grow older.
Lifetime Neighbourhoods
As we grow older we are more likely to spend more time at home, and where we live is an important determinant of our well-being.
Housing Choices and Aspirations of Older People - Research from the New Horizons Programme
This UK report was commissioned by Communities and Local Government as part of a larger project to support the development of the National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society.
Researchers at the University of York undertook eight focus groups composed of ‘younger’ older people (aged 48 to 64), and ‘older’ old people (aged 65 and above) to explore the influences on participants’ housing deci
Housing with care for later life
There is growing interest and investment from the public and private sector in housing schemes for older people that combine independent living with relatively high levels of care.