Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

In this report, we focus on one aspect of housing, which we term ‘housing insecurity’, and the way in which this interacts with other types of insecurities to constitute ‘precarious living’.

Too Big to Ignore: Future Issues for Australian Women's Housing 2006-2025

This report was commissioned by the SA Women’s Housing Caucus to provide a picture of what housing for women in Australia will look like in 10 to 20 years time (i.e. from around 2015–2025).

Housing Models for an Ageing Population

This report outlines the implications of an ageing population in the City of Onkaparinga for housing demand.

Housing futures in an ageing Australia

This bulletin synthesizes the presentations at a conference jointly convened by AHURI and The Myer Foundation to provide a research based contribution to the Foundation’s Project 2020: A vision for aged care in Australia.

The Future of Aged Persons Housing: What role for Independent Living Units?

There is an emerging crisis within housing for older persons in Australia. This paper focuses particularly on the role of independent living units in the future of aged housing.

Ageing-in-place? Intergenerational and intra-familial housing transfers and shifts in later life

Ageing populations create demands for higher expenditure on pensions and other government provided welfare and social benefits, leading to higher taxes falling on fewer workers.

Housing options and independent living: sustainable outcomes for older people who are homeless

This research was undertaken on the premise that there is a lack of understanding about the needs of older homeless people in Australia, despite the fact that older people on fixed incomes in insecure housing are growing in number and are at particular risk of homelessness or the need for institutional care. The research was guided by four questions: 1.

Women and Homelessness: Innovative Practice and Exit Pathways

This paper reports on recently completed research on women’s transitions out of homelessness and the role of housing and associated support services in offering ‘independence’. It will provide an overview of the research and the outcomes in the final report. The research sought to answer the following questions: a. What kinds of housing and support services do homeless women utilize? b.
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