Cambridge University Press
Ageing in the margins: expectations of and struggles for ‘a good place to grow old’ among low-income older Minnesotans
What constitutes a ‘good place to grow old’? This US study aimed to characterize salient features of built and social environments that are essential to support low-income ageing residents.
Housing equity withdrawal: Perceptions of obstacles among older Australian home owners and associated service providers
Housing wealth dominates the asset portfolios of the older population in Australia and many other countries. Given the anticipated spike in fiscal costs associated with population ageing, there is growing policy interest in housing equity withdrawal (HEW) to finance living needs in retirement.
The voices of midlife women facing housing insecurity in Victoria, Australia
Single, older women in the State of Victoria, Australia have emerged as a group experiencing housing insecurity and being highly vulnerable to homelessness in their old age. A sizable demographic cohort, it is a group that could overwhelm the existing homelessness service system. One of the most surprising aspects of this trend is their propensity to be tertiary educated.
Moving beyond ‘ageing in place’: older people’s dislikes about their home and neighbourhood environments as a motive for wishing to move
Ageing in place has been promoted by policy makers as the optimal residential solution for later life, premised on older people’s reluctance to contemplate relocation, their declining residential mobility and high levels of residential satisfaction.
What's in a name? Similarities and differences in international terms and meanings for older peoples' housing with services
Discussion of housing for older people that is combined with provision of various support and care services is confounded by the lack of consistent terminology.
The diversity of terms and meanings relating to housing with services for older people confounds systematic analysis, especially in international comparative research.
Social inclusion through ageing-in-place with care?
The onset of ill-health and frailty in later life, within the context of the policy of ageing-in-place, is increasingly being responded to through the provision of home care.
In the philosophy of ageing-in-place, the home provides for continuity of living environment, maintenance of independence in the community and social inclusion.
Loneliness and the exchange of social support among older adults in Spain and the Netherlands
Previous research has shown that exchanges of support within social networks reduce the loneliness of older adults.
Then and now: evolving community in the context of a retirement village
There is currently much debate in the United Kingdom policy and practice literature about how best to respond to the care and accommodation needs of people as they retire and grow older.
Conceptualizing Age-Friendly Communities
The idea that the environment in which older adults live profoundly impacts their lives has a long history in gerontology. Research has
focused less on the macro environment – neighbourhood/community, region, or urban-rural localities.
Homelessness among older people and service responses
This paper reviews the limited evidence on the causes of
homelessness in old age and on the circumstances and
problems of older homeless people, and it describes the
few services dedicated to the group.