
Alternative accommodation models in later life

A review of a number of alternative accommodation models for seniors with links to specific projects in Australia and the US.

Co-housing works well for older people , once they get past the image problem

Housing Australia’s ageing population in homes that are affordable, accessible and sustainable presents a major challenge, particularly in a time of rising housing costs. Many fail to anticipate the health and financial challenges that can diminish their housing choices as they age.

Housing affordability in retirement: current and future issues

This presentation looks at ways in which the issue of housing affordability in retirement can be addressed in Australia.

Rise in Older Women Now Couch Surfing or Sleeping in Their Car

Imagine reaching the age of 55 and having to choose between couch surfing or sleeping in your car each night. This is the situation for thousands of older women in Australia. Last year 1,618 women aged over 50 who presented at homelessness services were couch surfing according to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data. This number has risen by 83% in the last four years.

Ageing without a home

Single women aged 55+ make up about 70% of the homeless population of Australia.

Three charts on: poorer Australians bearing the brunt of rising housing cost

Rising housing costs are hurting low-income Australians the most. Those at the bottom end of the income spectrum are much less likely to own their own home than in the past, are often spending more of their income on rent, and are more likely to be living a long way from where most jobs are being created.

Pop-up shelter for older women under housing stress to open in Melbourne

Women over 55 currently sleeping rough or in severe housing stress will be able to seek shelter in new pop-up accommodation in Melbourne’s City of Port Phillip. A 55-room aged care facility known as Claremont Home, operated by CaSPA Care, is currently vacant awaiting master planning for redevelopment.

Unsettled: Life in Australia's Private Rental Market

Unsettled: Life in Australia's private rental market, makes the case that rental rights in Australia lag far behind those in many other developed countries, where renters often enjoy secure long-term arrangements with strict limits on rent increases. By contrast, leases in Australia can be as short as six months, and when the contract ends and renters revert to a month-to-month arrangement t

Australian demographic trends and implications for housing assistance programs

The study forecasted future expenditure on housing assistance programs; the additional outlays on ISPs due to asset test concessions to home owners; and the aggregate value of home owner tax subsidies. These three housing subsidy components are estimated to increase from $25 billion in 2011 to $32.8 billion in 2031.

Not just personal choice: older women and homelessness

No single factor, not one personal decision and not one government policy setting has created the homelessness of any one woman. Years of systemic inaction and poor policy has resulted in more women over 55 now facing homelessness.
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