
The grey ghettos: seniors on the fringes doing it tough

A landmark analysis of census data shows that a “wellbeing divide” is emerging among older Australians, with housing the key issue. The Index of Wellbeing for Older Australians identified the areas where seniors with the lowest level of wellbeing lived, and the factors that contributed most to their low wellbeing.

What are the health, social and economic benefits of providing public housing and support to formerly homeless people?

This report finds that supporting formerly homeless people and those at risk of homelessness into public housing in Western Australia reduces their use of health services as well as the frequency with which they do so.

The adequacy of the Age Pension in Australia: An assessment of pensioner living standards

The Age Pension in Australia is inadequate. It fails to provide a decent standard of living for approximately 1.5 million older Australians who rely on it as their main source of income. Some pensioners are taking drastic measures in order to make ends meet – they are turning off hot water in summer, blending food because they can’t afford a dentist and choosing between food and medication.

Aged care solutions: multi-generational living

Australia's population is growing rapidly, and the fastest growing age bracket is 65 years and over. This raises the question of how (and where) will Australia's increasing numbers of elderly live? Will we see more instances of multiple generations living in the one home? This article looks at the move towards multigenerational living.

A Plan for Change: Homes for Older Women

This Plan for Change proposes a series of initiatives to help older women to be able to live in homes that are safe, secure and affordable. It has been developed by a group of non-government agencies concerned about the increase in older women’s homelessness.

Nowhere To Go - Older Women and Housing Vulnerability

In 2011, according to ABS Census data, there were 135,494 women aged 55 and older in the private rental market, up from 91,549 who were counted in the 2006 Census. These figures are likely to underestimate the real number of older women who are renters, especially those with an informal or sublet rental agreement.

Queensland: an age-friendly community - Action Plan

This action plan, which was informed by more than 9000 responses to our survey, outlines the Queensland Government’s priorities, initiatives and services that contribute to building age-friendly communities and supporting our strategic direction statement, Queensland: an age-friendly community.

Agile housing for an Ageing Australia

By 2055, Australia’s 65+ population will have doubled and, if current strategies are followed, it is likely that the housing available will be inappropriate. Today’s housing stock will still be in use yet few developers and designers are capitalising on the potential of agile housing and, more broadly, the creation of age-friendly neighbourhoods.

Where do record rental prices leave low-income earners?

Average house rents in metropolitan Melbourne have increased by 5.3%, with apartment rents growing by 2.8%, over the last three months. A lack of affordable rental properties is a problem in Sydney too.

Ageing in the Bush: An ageing in place strategy for Regional Western Australia

The State Wide Ageing in the Bush project was an initiative of the Regional Development Council of Western Australia with the objective to “identify aged care models for regional WA that will enable residents to age in their community”. A number of models to address state wide issues have been developed.
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