Hong Kong
What would an age-friendly city look like?
As the world’s population grows older and more urban, cities must decide how to adapt.
Ageing populations need to be part of the debate about urban development. New approaches are needed which link the advantages of living in cities with the needs and aspirations of older people themselves.
Neighbourhood Support and Aging-in-Place Preference Among Low-Income Elderly Chinese City-Dwellers
Aging-in-place (AIP) refers to “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level” ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014 ). Promoting AIP is a policy objective for both developed and developing countries ( World Health Organization, 2007 ).
Time is running out to find solutions to housing problems faced by Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population
While there has been plenty of discussion on Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population, a solution to housing the elderly has yet to be identified so that a coherent policy can be implemented.
Figures indicate that by 2034, almost one-third of the population will be aged 65 or older, which will create huge demand to build quality housing for that group of people.
An Important Trial for Senior Housing in Hong Kong
For such a sophisticated and well developed real estate market, Hong Kong lacks one particular type of asset that most other mature urban areas have at ready supply: dedicated senior housing.
Elderly Housing
This paper will begin with a brief account of the development of public housing for the elderly and this will serve as a background for the discussion of existing policies. This will be followed by a discussion on policies that have been formulated since the 1970s to house the elderly, particularly policy papers and Working Party reports published in the last twenty years.
Aging Population and Planning for the Elderly
This paper aims to provide a brief account of the key issues of population aging in Hong Kong, and relevant experience of other
Asian cities and their implications for strategic planning in Hong Kong will also be examined.
To plan for services for the elderly, the Report of the Working Group on Care for the Elderly (1994) has laid down the following guiding principles :