New South Wales

Life space and mental health: a study of older community-dwelling persons in Australia

The ability of older people to mobilise within and outside their community is dependent on a number of factors. This study explored the relationship between spatial mobility and psychological health among older adults living in Australia.

The hidden housing problem: older and still renting

Increasing numbers of people in their 50s and 60s are renting. In Australia, we’re not meant to be renters in retirement. Our age pension system is built on the assumption we’ll own our homes outright. That’s why our age pension is low relative to other countries’ – because housing costs in older age are assumed to be low, too.

The social worlds of older public and private renters in Sydney

This paper explores the social worlds of older private and public renters in Sydney, Australia. Drawing on 56 in - depth interviews, it argues that the cost of accommodation and security of tenure played a pivotal role in shaping the social connections and leisure activity of the interviewees.

A study of homelessness and gambling in the Northern Rivers Region, New South Wales, Australia: The perspectives of people experiencing homelessness and gambling, and the service providers supporting them

While gambling problems and housing problems are both serious concerns, there have been relatively few studies that have explored the relationship between these problems. Yet, this is an important topic to research.

Environmental Sustainable Initiatives Clarence Village Independent Living Units

Clarence Village Limited responded to NSW and Federal Government incentive programs to invest in grid connect 1.5KW solar energy systems on each of its 73 Independent Living Units. Each of the 73 residents of Clarence Village voluntarily joined with the company to make the Village the first among it’s peers on the North Coast to become a Green Village.

Making Do: Housing Quality and Affordability in the Low to Moderate Income Specific Housing Sector

Better cities require integrated planning and monitoring across the board that is inclusive of age-specific housing. Australia’s ageing population presents a number of challenges for provision of appropriate and affordable housing and care for those on low to moderate incomes.

Going it alone: Single, low needs women and hidden homelessness

In early 2006 WISHIN (Women’s Information Support and Housing in the North) was approached by North East Housing Service (NEHS) who were concerned about the number of single women over 35, without dependents who were ringing their service for assistance and whom they were unable to assist.

Comparing the Life Circumstances of Older Public Housing Tenants to Older Private Renters in Sydney

Due to a virtual freeze on the building of new public housing and a decline in housing affordability, an ever-increasing number of older Australians are dependent on the private rental market for their accommodation. Using in-depth interviews, the situations of older renters in Sydney, in public housing and private rented accommodation who are dependent mainly on the age pension are compared.

Health promotion for socially disadvantaged groups: The case of homeless older men in Australia

There is extensive evidence that health promotion routinely benefits those who are already most socioeconomically advantaged. While the government's healthy ageing policy recognizes that improving health outcomes will require a range of strategies involving different target groups, recommendations focus on the issues and needs of the comfortable majority.
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