South Australia

Finding a Suitable Home for Older People at Risk of Homelessness in South Australia Summary Report

An emerging group of older South Australians on low incomes, the majority women, are living in insecure private rental housing paying unaffordable rents and just surviving on a pension.Many have lived conven onal working lives but find themselves in later life without housing security or affordability because they have not a ained home ownership or been eligible for public housing.Entering re reme

Housing Boomers - A report on housing issues facing South Australia's older population

This report addresses housing for older people on two primary levels; housing stress and homelessness.

Ageing in South Australia 2016

This report examines the attitudes, expectations and strategies of agencies working in aged care in South Australia in 2016.

Single Ageing Women & Housing Security: A Pilot Study of Women Living in the Cities of Unley and Salisbury

Ageing is a policy challenge for all levels of government within Australia, as it is for societies the world over. In many respects, Australia is in an enviable position with respect to ageing strategies, possessing comparatively strong health, welfare and superannuation systems, a relatively strong economy and a high standard of living.

Housing Boomers: A report on housing issues facing South Australia’s older population

Shelter SA is the peak body for housing in South Australia advocating for safe, secure and affordable housing for all citizens. Shelter SA advocates for and communicates with a wide range of housing organisations and consumer groups. One of the largest groups of housing consumers, and one that is set to increase rapidly in coming years, is the older population.

Recent housing transfer experience in Australia: implications for affordable housing industry development

Focusing primarily on public housing transfers in Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania, this Inquiry analysed the associated processes and frameworks to reveal the lessons learned. The case studies reveal aspects of transfer practices such as capturing Rent Assistance-enhanced revenues; the transfer of ‘management’ rather than freehold title; and the absence of a role for tenants.

Muslims in Australia and their aged care needs: An exploratory study with special reference to South Australia

The Report “MUSLIMS IN AUSTRALIA AND THEIR AGED CARE NEEDS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA” was prepared for the Islamic Information Centre of South Australia (IICSA) as an important step toward making aged care in general, and residential care in particular, responsive to the needs of the Muslim community in South Australia.

Homeless South Australia: A 2015 stocktake of homelessness issues in South Australia

Homelessness has been at the forefront of public policy debate in South Australia since 2002 when the Rann Labor Government was formed and established its social inclusion initiative.

Public housing stock transfer — impacts and implications for local government final report

This is the Final Report of a project that examines the impact of the South Australian Government’s announced program of public housing stock transfers to the community sector on local governments. The community housing sector in Australia is defined as not-for-profit housing and is made up of both larger and smaller organisations.

Financial abuse of older people by family members: Views and experiences of older Australians and their family members

Research indicates that the most commonly reported form of abuse of older people in Australia is financial abuse and the majority of perpetrators are family members. The number of people aged 65 years and over in Australia is growing rapidly and the challenges of aging often require support and assistance from family members, so it is important to develop strategies to prevent this form of abuse.
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