Evaluation of an Age-Friendly City and Its Effect on Life Satisfaction: A Two-Stage Study
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has established the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities initiative, which promotes active ageing by optimising health, participation and safety opportunities in order to improve people’s quality of life as they age.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing a new agenda for the age-friendly cities movement, increasing the number of review
In the face of depopulation, a Spanish village turns itself into a nursing home
An innovative idea combining aged care and rejuvenation of small isolated villages in Spain.
The premise behind the project in Pescueza is to provide support for the village's elderly people, without requiring them to give up their homes.
Elderly women living alone in Spain: the importance of having children
This paper analyses the extent to which completed fertility, and in particular childlessness, is a valid predictor of living alone at advanced ages, an increasingly important residential option in advanced societies with crucial implications for social policy design and the organization of welfare services.
The most relevant aspect of the data presented here is that everywhere levels of non-famil
Growing old better by growing old amongst friends: the rise of third age cooperatives
This article looks at the co-housing option for the elderly in Spain. The case study is the dream of a group of people who one day decided they neither wanted to be shut away in an old people’s home nor to depend on their children. Given the lack of options, they came up with their own solution: to grow old among friends.
Foresight Future of an Ageing Population - International Case Studies Case Study 12: Intergenerational living in Spain
This case study looks at an innovative purpose-built intergenerational housing and community scheme in Alicante that combines housing for older people with accommodation for people under 35 with low incomes who have some community engagement experience.
Comprehensive National Strategy for the Homeless 2015-2020
The 2015-2020 Comprehensive National Strategy for the Homeless is the instrument proposed by the Government to address homelessness and create a comprehensive framework of action for this group of people. Homelessness is the most extreme result of social exclusion in our country and the most visible.
Not A Group House, Not A Commune: Europe Experiments With Co-Housing
While still in architecture school, María García Mendez and Gonzalo Navarrete drafted a plan to re-design a high-density area of Alfafar, Valencia, using the principle of co-housing — in which residents trade and share space and resources, depending on their needs. It's not just an architecture project. It's a fusion of architecture and rehabilitation.
Seniors in Spain are saying no to nursing homes
Examining the rise of co-housing and elderly housing co-operatives in Spain as alternatives to aged care facilities.
Ageing at Home as Preference: A Case Study of Older Spanish Population
The aim of this paper is to explore the ideal preferences of Spanish population aged 65 and over about the preferred setting to live in later life, identifying the factors that condition the election of each one of the alternatives (the own home, co-residence in a relative’s home and institutions).
The results are analysed regarding to two hypothetical situations: what would be the preferred livi
Women and Homelessness in Spain
This work focuses on the situation of homeless women in present-day Spain. This constitutes both a social and a personal problem embedded in the dynamics of social exclusion and linked to the interplay among structural, family/relational, personal and cultural elements.
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