United Kingdom

Housing options for older people in a reimagined housing system: a case study from England

The housing options of older people in the UK now extend far beyond the traditional choice between staying put and making do, or moving to specialist housing or residential care. A flexible suite of options has emerged, centred on promoting independence and well-being. This reflects a tendency within analysis to consider these different housing options in isolation.

Planning for an ageing population: is co-housing the solution?

Between 2016 and 2030, the population of over 60s in the UK is estimated to rise from 15 million to 20 million. Older population growth leads to household growth, and inevitably the housing needs of the UK will change alongside this shifting demographic. This paper explores this issue within the context of South West England.

Housing design, adaptations and support (England)

New and existing homes in the UK need to be adaptable to the changing needs of an ageing population to promote both independence and self-determination. Poor and inaccessible housing has profound implications for our ageing population. There were 13.3 million disabled people in the UK in 2015/16, with 44 per cent over state pension age.

Adapting homes for ageing well in London

In London there are just over 1 million people aged over 65 and that number is expected to grow to 1.2 million by 2024 – an increase of 22% in 10 years. There are 140,000 people aged over 85 in London, and that is expected to increase to 180,000 over 85 by 2024, a 38% increase in 10 years.

Elderly care systems around the world

With quality of life improving and medical care advancing across the globe, the human population is ageing. This is an investigation into how elderly care systems differ on a country-by-country basis, with some more reliant on state support than others.

A 21st Century eco-almshouse: St. John’s Almshouses, Lichfield

The St. John’s Almshouse project comprises 18 new flats within two brand new, Passivhaus certified buildings set within an extensive landscaping scheme in the grounds of the existing Grade I listed Almshouses in Lichfield, UK. The Almshouses provide sheltered accommodation, or more specifically, ‘independent living for older people, with neighbourly support and care’.

A Home for the Ages: Planning for the Future with Age-Friendly Designs

England has a rapidly ageing society. Within five years the over 60s will make-up over 25% of its population, and this is a trend that is set to accelerate. Despite this, little thought has been given to how the housing need of the population is going to change. This report focuses on those over the age of 55, as it is often the age at which residents qualify to enter retirement housing.

Design for an Ageing Population

The demographic landscape of our cities is changing fast, as the cities grow and the population ages. But how do architects respond to the challenge? How do we go about creating more ‘age-inclusive’ spaces?

Co-living for older people – stakeholder views

New models of co-living for older people have recently emerged in the UK, echoing a growing interest in alternative housing solutions. The aim of this project was to understand the risks and benefits of these housing models and their potential for wider use to support older people.

Designing inclusive Later Living communities for HAPPI residents

This case study report features three award winning developments for retirement living. It explores how the HAPPI (Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation) design principles have come to life in each to promote social inclusion where older people are empowered to live an independent and socially active life at the heart of their wider community.
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