United Kingdom

The Homelessness Monitor: England 2018

The homelessness monitor is a longitudinal study providing an independent analysis of the homelessness impacts of recent economic and policy developments in England. It considers both the consequences of the post-2007 economic and housing market recession, and the subsequent recovery, and also the impact of policy changes.

Unsuitable, insecure and substandard homes: The barriers faced by older private renters

Growing numbers of older people in the UK are living in private rented accommodation.

Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence

This UK report presents the findings of our All-Party Parliamentary Group’s latest Inquiry: Rural Housing for our Ageing Population: Preserving Independence, the fourth in this series of “HAPPI” reports covering different aspects of housing and care for older people. Our underlying concern is with the growing numbers of older people in rural communities who will face a huge challenge to their ind

How we can design and build the right homes for the older people of today — and tomorrow

As the proportion of older people in populations around the world grows, so too does demand for age-appropriate housing. In 2016, a UK study found that while many older people want to downsize, they often find they can’t.

Study protocol: healthy urban living and ageing in place (HULAP): an international, mixed methods study examining the associations between physical activity, built and social environments for older adults the UK and Brazil

The ability to ‘age in place’ is dependent on a range of inter-personal, social and built environment attributes, with the latter being a key area for potential intervention. There is an emerging body of evidence that indicates the type of built environment features that may best support age friendly communities.

Not enough homes being built for older people - new research

The number of people aged 85 and over will more than double in the UK over the next 25 years. With an ageing population will come additional pressures on services and resources – and one area of specific concern is housing. Recent research suggests the cost to the NHS from older people being poorly housed is over £600m a year.

Innovative Housing Models for an Ageing Population

This Housing LIN round table session with invited industry leaders was hosted by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, in London over the summer, 2018.

Addressing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Older People

As the number of older people in the UK is increasing and people are living longer, loneliness and social isolation is also increasing. There is a growing body of evidence about the role older people’s housing plays in tackling loneliness and social isolation, but a lack of practical guidance for providers and those who work with older people on how to address it.

A novel cohousing project for women and implications for loneliness

In the UK, some 14–17% of adults over 65 are lonely. Social isolation and the subjective experience of loneliness can increase the risk of poor health outcomes, including anxiety, depression, suicide, sleep problems and premature mortality. Cohousing is a form of grouped housing designed and managed by those who reside within it.

Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence. HAPPI 4

The Inquiry’s Statement of Intent was: “To explore the current housing needs and care problems facing older people in rural areas and to make recommendations to central and local government and other partners for solutions.” This report presents the findings and the recommendations from the inquiry.
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