United Kingdom

Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence

This UK report presents the findings of our All-Party Parliamentary Group’s latest Inquiry: Rural Housing for our Ageing Population: Preserving Independence, the fourth in this series of “HAPPI” reports covering different aspects of housing and care for older people. Our underlying concern is with the growing numbers of older people in rural communities who will face a huge challenge to their ind

Number of homeless elderly people surges by 100 per cent in seven years

The number of elderly people becoming homeless in England has surged by 100 per cent in seven years.

The Impact on Health of Homelessness

The relationship between homelessness, health and wellbeing in later life is not documented to the same extent as for younger populations. Studies indicate that existing health conditions are exacerbated by homelessness, and that older people experiencing homelessness are more likely to suffer from depression or dementia.

Seizing the 'New Town' opportunity

The development of new towns presents a unique opportunity to plan and build communities which enable older people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. In this article, we explore the opportunities arising at Northstowe, a new town of 10,000 homes in South Cambridgeshire. The vision for Northstowe is a bold one.

Evaluation of Extra Care Housing in Wales

Extra care is an important element of efforts to diversify provision and increase choice for older people. Extra care housing is a broad concept rather than a specific housing type. It provides independent living in a home of your own, but with services on hand if they are required.

Patterns of Shelter Use Among Men New to Homelessness in Later Life: Duration of Stay and Psychosocial Factors Related to Departure

Few researchers have focused on the trends and typologies of older people who find themselves homeless for the first time in late life. Yet, adults facing homelessness for a first time in older age are reported to have different experiences and service needs than those who are aging in situations of chronic homelessness.

Housing for older people in Wales: a sector review of sheltered housing

There has been increasing attention given recently to the potential of housing and housing related services to contribute to the health and well-being of older people in Wales.

The Value of Sheltered Housing

An estimated 71% of supported housing properties in Great Britain house older people – most of these are owned and managed by housing associations.

Older people's housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036

Addressing the needs of a rapidly ageing population in both SCDC and Cambridge City will require decisive action. It is acknowledged in recent policy and research documents that to meet this challenge, a system of provision is required which includes and connects together the following five components: 1.

The ageing population will change demand for housing. In particular, it is likely that more adaptable and specialised housing will be needed.

This document outlines the Policy implications for the UK due to the ageing population's changing demands for housing. Building suitable new homes and supporting the adaptation of the existing housing stock will be critical as the population ages. It is also important that older people can move to a more appropriately sized home with ease.
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