
The APPROPRIATE (Accommodation Provision for People of Retirement Age or Older, Predicated on Research and Investigation using Approved Techniques and Evidence) and RIGHTSIZING Study

This report presents the findings of a study for the Gwent Health, Social Care and Housing Partnership which researches the aspirations for appropriate housing solutions for older people in Gwent, which would enable them to live happily, healthily, safely and independently in later life. The report also describes the reasons why older people do not want to move to appropriate housing in later lif

The nexus between housing (un)affordability and residential age segregation

Conventional wisdom perhaps suggests that residential age segregation is expected and unproblematic but, like other forms of segregation, the increasing differentiation of places by age can hinder essential opportunities for older and younger individuals to meet and interact, as well as associated policy implications for social cohesion and the organisation of society.

Extra Care Housing - the heart of the community in Porthmadog

Hafod y Gest is an extra care scheme developed in partnership with Gwynedd Council. It offers older people a superb opportunity to benefit from an independent lifestyle in their own apartment within a safe and supportive environment, with the added benefit of having a flexible 24 hour care service on site. The scheme aims to promote tenants’ health and wellbeing as well as their independence.

Our Housing AGEnda: meeting the aspirations of older people in Wales

Current housing supply in Wales does not reflect the lifestyle choices that people want or need as they age. This report addresses this issue and invites a range of stakeholders to consider their role in developing a transformational experience in housing for older people in Wales.

Evaluation of Extra Care Housing in Wales

Extra care is an important element of efforts to diversify provision and increase choice for older people. Extra care housing is a broad concept rather than a specific housing type. It provides independent living in a home of your own, but with services on hand if they are required.

Housing for older people in Wales: a sector review of sheltered housing

There has been increasing attention given recently to the potential of housing and housing related services to contribute to the health and well-being of older people in Wales.

Housing an Ageing Population

A presentation to the Community Housing Cymru Annual Conference 2016 focussing on key questions for designing and planning for the housing needs & choices of older people in Wales.

Do the generations need each other or “never the twain should meet”?

This paper examines the position of the older person within the housing system and puts forward innovative and inspirational ideas for the retirement sector in Wales. However, the main theme has to be the need for a radical transformation of the Welsh retirement sector so that the options available are vibrant, provide lifelong purpose and participation, companionship and visitability.

Moving beyond ‘ageing in place’: older people’s dislikes about their home and neighbourhood environments as a motive for wishing to move

Ageing in place has been promoted by policy makers as the optimal residential solution for later life, premised on older people’s reluctance to contemplate relocation, their declining residential mobility and high levels of residential satisfaction.

Housing our ageing population

If ever confirmation was required of the importance of housing provision for an ageing population, it came with the announcement of the 2011 census results for England and Wales on 16 July 2012.
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