Age Specific Housing

Housing an Ageing Population (England)

This paper opens with a summary on the current context in the UK, beginning with details on build figures and population numbers for the older demographic. It progresses to set the scene in terms of tenure type for the older population.

Are housing associations ready for an ageing population?

The continuous growth in the number of older people in the UK will dramatically change how society will look and how it will function. This demographic shift is one of the main talking points of public debate and presents a considerable challenge for government and policymakers.

Homes and ageing in England

The recent changes to the UK health system, with local authorities now responsible for public health, provide a great opportunity to build more integrated approaches to improvements in prevention and reductions in need for costly health care. There is a strong case to be made for prevention through core housing improvements.

'The older adult' doesn't exist: using values to differentiate older adults in the Dutch housing market

The purpose of the current study is to identify heterogeneity among older adults by differentiating segments of older adults who have (more or less) the same viewpoints, motivations and attitude with respect to housing.

All our futures... Housing for ageing

In the Spring of 2015 leading figures from the housing and ageing sectors came together at a summit to map out the actions required to address the critical issue of housing for an ageing population. This paper documents the recommendations put forward by the Summit participants.

Ageing Population Growth and Critical Housing Questions in New Zealand

In the context of the global ageing population, the case of New Zealand is significant, where one in four of the population will be over sixty-five by 2051. This paper identifies some critical housing questions within the context of population ageing in Auckland, New Zealand.

Housing Decisions of Older Australians

The Commission’s flagship research paper An Ageing Australia: Preparing for the Future identified that many older Australians are asset rich but income poor, and flagged challenges for government budgets stemming from the ageing of Australia’s population.

Housing an Ageing Population

The UK's ageing society presents massive housing challenges in years ahead, but the retirement housing sector should be well placed to turn these into opportunities. Older people are sitting on over £1trn of housing equity and over half are living in homes larger than they necessarily require.

The Next Housing Crisis: Aging Americans’ Homes

The US is facing a lack of affordable, physically-accessible and well-located homes for America’s aging population — especially those with low incomes.

Apartments for Life: A Dutch Senior Housing Innovation

In the Netherlands, Apartments for Life are available to individuals over the age of 55, and residents typically enter these apartments while still independent. What makes these residences unique is that when individuals require assisted living or nursing care, such care is brought to them.
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