Age Specific Housing

Skid Row, Yokohama: Homelessness and Welfare in Japan

Following the bursting of the bubble economy in Japan at the beginning of the 1990s, demand for casual labor slumped. By the end of the decade, there were so few jobs left that most men had given up the struggle.

An Alternative Age-Friendly Handbook (for the socially engaged urban practitioner

This Alternative Age-friendly Handbook provides a playful and critical exploration of what creative urban practitioners can bring to emerging debates around the creation of Age-friendly Cities. What follows is a series of suggested modes and methods of Age-friendly practice. Small-scale actions and interventions we can start taking now to create Age-friendly spaces.

Room for the future: Will Australia’s apartments today work for the ageing population of tomorrow?

In the focus on ‘investors versus families’, the debate around apartment regulation often ignores one of the most important housing issues facing modern Australia – the need to accommodate our ageing population. Professor Lorraine Farrelly argues for adaptability in the design of new apartments.

Aging in The Netherlands: State of the Art and Science

Abstract The population of the Netherlands is aging, although it is still relatively young in comparison with the population of most other European countries. As Dutch society transitions from a welfare state to a society based more on individual responsibility, the increasingly well-educated and financially well-off elderly people wish to exert more control over their own lives.

Adapting to the Challenges of an Ageing Population for Social Housing

The UK population, like in many countries, is ageing with wide consequences for society and the economy. One in six people in the UK are now over 65, an increase of more than one million from 2001.

Extending the housing options for older people

Ideally, older people should be supported to remain in their existing home with the provision of care and support as required; but for some this is not possible and others may wish to choose an alternative.

The Next Housing Crisis: Aging Americans’ Homes

The US is facing a lack of affordable, physically-accessible and well-located homes for America’s aging population — especially those with low incomes.

Apartments for Life: A Dutch Senior Housing Innovation

In the Netherlands, Apartments for Life are available to individuals over the age of 55, and residents typically enter these apartments while still independent. What makes these residences unique is that when individuals require assisted living or nursing care, such care is brought to them.

National overview of the retirement village sector

The dramatic increase in the number of Australians turning 65 over the next 20 years is now an established demographic fact. Treasury projects a doubling of the seniors’ population by 2 050, with an economically signi fi cant reduction in the ratio of t axpayers to retirees.

For Future Living: Innovative Approaches to Joining Up Housing and Health

In exploring housing and health for older people, our research examined the following questions: • What do older people expect from their housing and housing providers? • What choices does the UK housing market offer older and vulnerable people? • What can we learn from the international literature about housing for older people, and can so-called intentional community approaches offer innovative
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