Age Specific Housing

Evaluation of the HUD Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO) Program

This is an evaluation of the HUD Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO) demonstration program.

The 2030 Problem: Caring for Aging Baby Boomers

The aim of this US research was to assess the coming challenges of caring for large numbers of frail elderly as the Baby Boom generation ages. The economic burden of aging in 2030 should be no greater than the economic burden associated with raising large numbers of baby boom children in the 1960s.

Collaborating With Elderly End Users in the Design Process

This paper presents a study involving elderly end-users into the design process by means of participatory design sessions. In these sessions, the expertise of designers and the comments and ideas of elderly end-users related to how doors and door handles for domestic use should be designed were discussed.

Housing of the Elderly in Ireland

The report has a number of underlying criteria which can be stated as follows: (a) The desire to retain independence and/or to remain living in the community should be respected at all times.

US Seniors Housing Statistics & Facts

By 2050, it is estimated that over a fifth of the population in the United States will be 65 years or older, compared to only 15.2 percent today. With a rapidly aging population, it is imperative that we start planning now for how we will house and care for the senior population in the future. Statista has compiled statistics on the housing the ageing population of the US.

Elderly Homeless Men and Women: Aged Care's Forgotten People

Abstract In spite of Australia having an aged-care system that provides a wide range of residential and community-based, aged-care services to elderly men and women, which are appropriately monitored and audited, homeless people have historically found it difficult or impossible to access those services.

Housing and Older People: time for fresh thinking and new ideas

In 2001 the UK Government set out its vision in ‘Quality And Choice For Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework’. This stated that ‘ ... housing... can be the springboard that enables older people to remain involved and live their lives to the full.’ This paper examines the problems and provides action plans.
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