Age Specific Housing

Affordable Clustered Housing-Care: A Category of Long-Term Care Options for the Elderly Poor

The focus of this paper is on a category of affordable housing arrangements that has emerged to help low-income older persons cope with their long-term care needs in their communities. These purposely planned or adapted housing options make it possible for their occupants to benefit from both affordable shelter (i.e., room and board) and long-term care.

Lifetime Homes Lifetime Neighbourhoods: A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society

In the UK, most of our homes and communities are not designed to meet people’s changing needs as they grow older. Older people’s housing options are too often limited to care homes or sheltered housing. Put simply, we need more and better homes for older people now. This strategy sets out our response to the global challenge of ageing.

Trends in Housing for Older People - Conference Report

Members of the HOPE network assembled in Copenhagen on May 8th 2008 for a conference hosted by KAB. The aim of the conference was to examine trends in housing for older people by focusing on two main themes: • Housing requirements of older people in the next fi ve to ten years • What can housing companies do to help older people remain in their own homes for as long as possible? The conference w

Older people and housing

This UK fact sheet covers key housing issues for an ageing population and looks at Government policies and initiatives that have been implemented.

Ageing and its Implications for Housing and Urban Development: South Australia

The aim of this paper is to examine the consequences of ageing on urban development and housing in South Australia. The research found that current and future housing requirements of older South Australians, varies within and between some groups/cohorts and this differentiation was clearly related to where people live, their age, socio-economic status and the assets they hold.

Older people and housing

A fact sheet looking at the housing options of older people in the UK. It uses census data, outlines key issues related to housing for older people and lists Government policy initiatives that have been put in place to address the problems.

The Needs and Resources of Older People

This quantitative report uses existing data to examine the needs of people over 65, including expenditure, health, social networks, housing and neighbourhoods and income. It investigates how patterns of resource use change over time, both for individual older people as they move through later life and for different generations of older people.

Housing and Social Policy in Malaysia: Provision for the Elderly

Malaysia was categorized as an ageing nation when the elderly population reached 7.2% (1.8 million) by 2005. In a society where aging is progressing, and where even among elderly people there is an increasingly larger class of older senior citizens, the increasing number of elderly people requiring appropriate housing and personal care will be an even greater issue of importance.

Housing Options for Older People

The homes currently being planned and built will contribute to the housing stock in 20 years time. Yet the demands of an ageing society often come low on the list of current strategic priorities. Recent UK government-backed programmes for new affordable housing do not specifically promote houses for older people.

Housing with care for later life

There is growing interest and investment from the public and private sector in housing schemes for older people that combine independent living with relatively high levels of care.
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