Age Specific Housing

Cohousing for Seniors: Literature Review

This literature review discusses key demographic and social trends in ageing and seniors housing in Australia. It then considers the characteristics of cohousing, and how and why it might be a suitable alternative housing model for senior Australians.

Alternative accommodation models in later life

A review of a number of alternative accommodation models for seniors with links to specific projects in Australia and the US.

Housing Our Ageing Population

With an ageing UK population, older people are now key players in the wider housing market.

Housing requirements for a ageing society

Various countries in the world have been experiencing a rapid ageing in population.

Cohousing Communities: A New Age-in-Place Lifestyle

A generally-acknowledged definition of cohousing is an intentional community with privately-owned homes clustered around a shared outdoor and indoor space. This article looks at the development of cohousing models for seniors in the US.

Ideas for Change 2017: Extra Care Housing in Lincolnshire

With current housing models struggling to meet the needs of a changing population now and for the future, students of the School of Architecture and Design, School of Health and Social Care and School of Business, University of Lincoln were challenged with understanding those needs and translating them into innovative design ideas for Extra Care Housing in Lincolnshire. This document is a develop

Aging in a New Age: Innovative Models for Senior Housing

In 10 years, the first of the 77 million baby boomers in the US will turn 80. That’s the age, say those involved in senior housing, where the intersection of the built environment and health is critical—where many begin to feel frail and need more support. How are builders responding? And in what ways can homes that are suitable for older buyers be profitable for builders?

The Role of the Socio-Physical Environment on Aging in Place for Older Adults in Cohousing and Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the influence of the physical and social environment of home and neighbourhood on aging in place processes among older adults in NORC and cohousing communities in Canada.

Projections and Implications for Housing a Growing Population: Older Households 2015-2035

In the US, over the next twenty years, the population aged 65 and over is expected to grow from 48 million to 79 million.

Innovative Seniors' Housing Options

The number of seniors in Canada is growing to previously unseen proportions and, as a result, there will be a need to develop many different kinds of housing solutions that will meet their needs. This article looks at a variety of innovative models in Canada and the US.
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