Age Specific Housing

Ageing Well: A Housing Manifesto

Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community and involved with family and friends.

Housing for Seniors: Challenges and Solutions

The older population in the US is projected to grow rapidly, and although many seniors wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible, challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and poor linkages to health services may make doing so difficult. Expanding the supply of aging-friendly housing options, rental assistance, home repairs and modifications, accessible residential design an

Housing our ageing population: Learning from councils meeting the housing need for our ageing population

There is a distinct and urgent need to better provide a range of housing options to meet the wide variety of housing circumstances, aspirations and needs of people as they age. Between 2008 and 2039, 74 per cent of projected household growth will be made up of households with someone aged 65 or older.

Housing for Seniors: Challenges and Solutions

In the US, the older population is projected to grow rapidly, and although many seniors wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible, challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and poor linkages to health services may make doing so difficult. Expanding the supply of aging-friendly housing options, rental assistance, home repairs and modifications, accessible residential design a

Blackpool Council’s Housing Plan for the Ageing Population 2017 - 2020

The ageing population of Britain presents a new challenge for housing. Blackpool specifically will see a 28% increase in residents aged 65+ within the next 25 years which will have a direct impact on housing provision and related services.

Demographic trends: How will an aging population affect transport planning and urban regeneration?

The UK’s population is getting older. The latest government figures show that in 2016, 18% of people were aged 65 and over, and 2.4% were aged 85 and over. This paper looks at some planning implications for urban renewal, including housing and transport, when it comes to this demographic trend.

Our Housing AGEnda: meeting the aspirations of older people in Wales

Current housing supply in Wales does not reflect the lifestyle choices that people want or need as they age. This report addresses this issue and invites a range of stakeholders to consider their role in developing a transformational experience in housing for older people in Wales.

Housing accessibility for senior citizens in Sweden: Estimation of the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers

This research aims to estimate the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers (EB) in the ordinary housing stock in Sweden, and to explore the estimated effects on accessibility at a population level in relation to (a) residents with different functional profiles, (b) different housing types and (c) building periods. The elimination of the EB most commonly addressed by housing adap

Older Women's Studio Development Project

The aim of the project was to explore whether the model of smaller accommodation was suitable for housing homeless older women in the inner and middle ring communities of Sydney. It was designed to be carried out in two stages. Stage 1 engaged older women in co-designing smaller spaces that would work for them as long-term homes.

Older people's housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036

Addressing the needs of a rapidly ageing population in both SCDC and Cambridge City will require decisive action. It is acknowledged in recent policy and research documents that to meet this challenge, a system of provision is required which includes and connects together the following five components: 1.
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