
The Role of the Socio-Physical Environment on Aging in Place for Older Adults in Cohousing and Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the influence of the physical and social environment of home and neighbourhood on aging in place processes among older adults in NORC and cohousing communities in Canada.

Five reasons why facilities may not be future of aged care

Current trends suggest that the changes in aged care in Australia that we’ve seen so far are just the tip of the iceberg, Aged care is undergoing a revolution. This article looks at reasons why aged care is already taking on a new meaning and why aged services may not be associated with discrete facilities in the future, but rather seamlessly integrated within neighbourhoods.

Developing a Housing Strategy for an Age-Friendly Community - A Guide for Municipalities

Age-friendly communities are able to take steps in addressing the need for more adaptable housing that promotes health, social equity, efficiency, connectivity, mobility and public engagement.

Innovative Seniors' Housing Options

The number of seniors in Canada is growing to previously unseen proportions and, as a result, there will be a need to develop many different kinds of housing solutions that will meet their needs. This article looks at a variety of innovative models in Canada and the US.

The Village Movement: A Neighborly Way to Age in Place

The village community model combines aging in place with the type of interdependent living that helps make aging alone for longer possible. It’s an innovative take on what life in traditional American villages used to offer—trusted relationships with neighbors and the wider community. A nonprofit, grassroots solution that’s governed by its members.

Our Housing AGEnda: meeting the aspirations of older people in Wales

Current housing supply in Wales does not reflect the lifestyle choices that people want or need as they age. This report addresses this issue and invites a range of stakeholders to consider their role in developing a transformational experience in housing for older people in Wales.

Four Challenges to Aging in Place

Within 20 years, one in five Americans—almost 80 million people—will be older than 65 and, surveys indicate, they will want to remain in the current homes for as long as possible.

Living Arrangements of Older Persons: A Report on an Expanded International Dataset

Population ageing is occurring everywhere: nearly every country in the world is expected to experience a substantial increase in the proportion of the population aged 60 years or over between 2017 and 2050. Population ageing is occurring along with broader social and economic changes that are taking place around the world.

Ageing Well: A Housing Manifesto

Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community and involved with family and friends.

Housing accessibility for senior citizens in Sweden: Estimation of the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers

This research aims to estimate the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers (EB) in the ordinary housing stock in Sweden, and to explore the estimated effects on accessibility at a population level in relation to (a) residents with different functional profiles, (b) different housing types and (c) building periods. The elimination of the EB most commonly addressed by housing adap
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