
80+ living in Scandinavia

Average life expectancy in Scandinavia is increasing, anticipating that the number of people aged over 80 will double in the next decades in Scandinavia. Care for the elderly is therefore being reappraised and developed.

Age-Friendly Chicago Phase 1 Findings from focus groups with older adults in Chicago’s senior centers

This report is designed to prompt discussion about the future challenges associated with increasing numbers of older adults aging in place in the city. We aim to present older Chicagoans’ views and opinions of their city as an enabling and/or disabling environment.

Nursing for the older people in Japan

The Japanese government is switching its focus in care for the aged from facilities to local communities.

Ageing in the right place: What works across People, Place and Time?

This presentation looks at the concept and the reality of 'ageing in place' in Australia and Canada. Ageing in place has become a focal concept by policy makers and researchers to create communities that facilitate the preference by older adults to remain in their homes and communities as long as possible.

Alternative retirements: from eco-retreats to communes

Nursing homes and aged care facilities don’t appeal to everyone. A growing number of older people in Australia are starting to look for alternatives for their retirement.

Aging in Community: The Communitarian Alternative to Aging in Place, Alone

Innovative options for aging in place in the US are leading to a new paradigm known as aging in community—a grassroots movement of like-minded citizens who come together to create systems of mutual support and caring to maximize their ability to remain, as they age, in their homes and communities. Aging in community promotes social capital—a sense of social connectedness and interdependence—enhan

A Tale of Two Community Initiatives for Promoting Aging in Place: Similarities and Differences in the National Implementation of NORC Programs and Villages

Villages and Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) Supportive Service Programs (NORC programs) are among the most prominent community-based models for promoting aging in place. To advance systematic understanding of their development, this study examined how these models have been implemented nationally and the models’ similarities and differences.

The desire to age in place among older Australians

Many older Australians report a desire to age in place. This bulletin explores the relationship between this desire and the housing circumstances of older Australians of different tenure types; that is, those who own their home outright, those paying a mortgage and those who rent their home either privately or through social housing.
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