
Housing for older people globally: What are best practices?

National policy on housing for older people varies across countries and shapes housing provision and levels of support for this population. Essentially, such policy indicates which sectors, institutions and agencies, both public and private, have responsibility for the provision and management of housing; how the housing and care services are regulated; and the criteria for admission to different

Aging in Place: Facilitating Choice and Independence

The paper looks at the ageing population in the US and what strategies are being considered to address the housing issues experienced by this cohort. A combination of demographic and economic shifts is creating a large and growing need for affordable and age-appropriate housing opportunities. Most seniors would prefer to age in place; home modifications are critical to this process, but the cos

Housing our Ageing Population

The UK housing market is delivering much less specialist housing for older people than is needed.

Aging in Community: The Communitarian alternative to aging in place, alone

The prospect of aging, particularly in our culture rampant with ageism, is disconcerting, even frightening to many people. These feelings were the impetus for a small group of us to gather in 1999.

Housing-related Well-being in Older People: The Impact of Environmental and Financial Influences

Population ageing prompts both a larger dependence on housing suitability, and hence environmental effects on elderly wellbeing, alongside reliance on housing assets to guarantee financial security in old age for homeowners, giving rise to investment effects on wellbeing.

Co-caring in Senior Cohousing: A Canadian Model for Social Sustainability

This paper focuses on Harbourside Cohousing under development in Sooke, BC, and on the innovative Royal Roads University course that attracts new members to the cohousing and raises awareness of aging options in the larger community. Harbourside will be the second senior cohousing in Canada, the first with a care-giver suite, and the first to require a short course on Aging Well in Community as a

Making informed decisions on housing options: the value of advice and support for older people

The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the provision of a UK government-backed, centralised advice and support service, named FirstStop, can assist older people in making informed decisions on ways to plan ahead as their housing and care needs change. Drawing upon conceptual frameworks of residential decision making and through the use of in-depth interviews, the paper examin

The Long Term Care Revolution: A study of innovative models to support older people with disabilities in the Netherlands

This paper provides relevant information about the Netherlands on how support is provided to older adults in need of long term care in their own homes or alternative homes.

Homes and Ageing in England

There is a strong case to be made for prevention through core housing improvements. This UK briefing note adds to our wider understanding of the close relationship between poor housing for older people and demands on National Health System (NHS) care.

The challenge of an ageing population to future housing and urban policies

Discusses the impact on public policy, particularly housing, that the demographic changes to Denmark's population will bring. Matching housing demand with supply is a major challenge, with the government's priority of ageing in place.
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