Ageing Population

Creating Age-Friendly Communities Through the Experiences of Villages: Summary of Longitudinal Member Outcomes

This report summarizes the results of a longitudinal survey that assessed changes over time in self reported outcomes of Village members.

Five reasons why facilities may not be future of aged care

Current trends suggest that the changes in aged care in Australia that we’ve seen so far are just the tip of the iceberg, Aged care is undergoing a revolution. This article looks at reasons why aged care is already taking on a new meaning and why aged services may not be associated with discrete facilities in the future, but rather seamlessly integrated within neighbourhoods.

Projected Demand for Supported Housing in Great Britain 2015 - 2030

This paper presents projections prepared for the Department of Communities and Local Government and the Department of Health of demand for supported housing for older people and younger adults in Great Britain to 2030 and associated future expenditure.

Pathways to homelessness among older people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazil’s rapid development has led to profound social and economic stresses. It is one of the world’s most unequal countries; the poorest 20% share just 2% of the nation’s income. A third of the population lives in extreme poverty, unemployment is high and a quarter of all jobs are in the informal sector.

Housing for older people in Wales: a sector review of sheltered housing

There has been increasing attention given recently to the potential of housing and housing related services to contribute to the health and well-being of older people in Wales.

Housing an Ageing Population - An approach to improving housing affordability, liveability and financial resilience for senior Australians

Discussion of the concept of co-housing and the results of a UTS research project looking at co-housing for older people as a way of accessing affordable housing.

Living in Fear: Experiences of Older Private-Renters in London

The private-rented sector is too often characterised by insecurity, poor living conditions, high rents and lack of choice, meaning that many tenants experience instability and inequality.

Ageing in Eastern Europe

Outline of presentation 1. Introduction. Definitions and key messages 2. Demographic transition 3. Family transition 4. Epidemiological transition 5. Distinctive features of population ageing in Eastern Europe 6. International Policy Frameworks on Ageing 7. National responses

A New Look at Getting Older: inspiring adults 55+ to support one another and the positive impact it has on housing and livelihood.

Senior cohousing communities like are being built across the U.S. The U.K., Europe, and Canada have also seen an upsurge in cohousing groups coming together, and other countries are not far behind. The concept originated in Denmark in the latter part of the 20th century as older adults began voicing their desire to live independently, in community.

Innovative Seniors' Housing Options

The number of seniors in Canada is growing to previously unseen proportions and, as a result, there will be a need to develop many different kinds of housing solutions that will meet their needs. This article looks at a variety of innovative models in Canada and the US.
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