
Evaluation of the Homeshare pilots

Part of a series of three reports, this executive summary covers the third and final report from the evaluation of the UK Homeshare pilots programme.

Elder Cohousing - Research and Resources

International resources and research on co-housing and the elderly.

Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people?

The initial phase for this project is a desk-based review of existing evidence about the benefits and risks of older peoples’ co-living. The review will also consider the institutional frameworks that impact upon older peoples’ co-living, focusing on an analysis of the legal and financial frameworks that apply to such households in relation to inheritance, provision of formal care at home, benefi

We need to talk about ageing - and it's about far more than the NHS

By 2050, 25% of the UK population will be over 65 – many living in solitude.

How to provide suitable and affordable housing for ageing people

With a global rise in the number of people aged 65-plus, it will be increasingly important to have appropriate housing that allows them to remain in their familiar communities and 'age in place' for as long as possible. However, as experience shows in New Zealand and other parts of the world,housing for many people in this age group is far from appropriate. In our research, we explore

Take a walk around the Social Bite village for homeless people

This is the Social Bite Village, in Granton, Edinburgh, the result of a sustained fundraising and awareness drive with the lofty aim of bringing an end to homelessness at the heart of its ethos. The emphasis is on the establishment of a community, with project leaders Social Bite partnering with homeless charity Cyrenians.

'It's a Great Idea for Other People': Cohousing as an option for older Australians

Older Australians face housing challenges including supply, accessibility, affordability, security of tenure and isolation. This article reports on research conducted in the state of New South Wales, Australia into the potential for cohousing to address these challenges.

Well-being and age in co-housing life: Thinking with and beyond design

Co-housing communities, which are designed to encourage interaction in everyday life and informal mutual support, are often seen as a lifestyle that can improve residents’ health and well-being. This viewpoint considers how spatial design, resident control and home technologies matter to ‘successful ageing’ in the increasingly popular co-housing communities- both intergenerational and senior.

Spatial Agency: Creating New Opportunities for Sharing and Collaboration in Older People’s Cohousing

Older people’s cohousing enables individuals to share spaces, resources, activities, and knowledge to expand their capability to act in society. Despite the diverse social, economic, and ethical aims that inform the creation of every cohousing community, there is often a disconnect between the social discourse developed by cohousing groups and the architectural spaces they create.

“It’s a Great Idea for Other People”: Cohousing as a Housing Option for Older Australians

Older Australians currently face housing challenges including supply, accessibility, affordability, security of tenure and isolation. This article examines the potential for cohousing to address these challenges. In interviews, professionals indicated that cohousing promises benefits for older people, but identified financial and planning barriers.
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