
Suitable, affordable housing is key to our population ageing well

If Australian seniors are to remain healthy and work longer, the importance of appropriate housing cannot be underestimated. Much attention is being paid to the rising cost of health care for an ageing population.

The Pioneers of the Village Movement: An Exploration of Membership and Satisfaction Among Beacon Hill Village Members

Villages are designed by and for older adults, an idea that originated from a group of friends in Boston, Massachusetts, in preparation for their future and growing older in their homes and the vibrant community of Boston. In 2002, Beacon Hill Village, a member-driven grassroots organization serving people age fifty and over became the first Village in the world, and gave rise the national Villag

Ageing in place: the role of community health workers

Evidence and experience suggest that community health workers in low- and middle-income countries could be important resources for promoting Healthy Ageing in place.

Life space and mental health: a study of older community-dwelling persons in Australia

The ability of older people to mobilise within and outside their community is dependent on a number of factors. This study explored the relationship between spatial mobility and psychological health among older adults living in Australia.

Extending the housing options for older people

Ideally, older people should be supported to remain in their existing home with the provision of care and support as required; but for some this is not possible and others may wish to choose an alternative.

Housing in later life

This UK report outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for older people’s housing with recommendations for action. One key action is to make sure that older people themselves are at the forefront of the housing debate. As this report makes clear, there isn’t one simple solution that will suit everyone.

For Future Living: Innovative Approaches to Joining Up Housing and Health

In exploring housing and health for older people, our research examined the following questions: • What do older people expect from their housing and housing providers? • What choices does the UK housing market offer older and vulnerable people? • What can we learn from the international literature about housing for older people, and can so-called intentional community approaches offer innovative

Sustainability in aged care

Thinking about sustainability across whole systems rather than in individual areas can create multiple benefits with limited resources.

New Approaches to Housing for Older People

This UK report looks at the approaches of organisations that are working to meet the opportunities of our ageing population; it also identifies some of the critical challenges to this, notably but not exclusively around financing, and offers some challenges back to local and central government, for their role in developing a framework that can make it easier for the industry to respond.

Feeling in control: comparing older people's experiences in different care settings

The promotion of choice and control for older people is a policy priority for both health and social care services in the UK. For older people receiving care, it seems that having control is less to do with managing by oneself and more to do with having control over the delegation of their care and responsibilities and influencing how and when care and support is delivered.
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