
My House or My Home? The challenges of ageing and housing

Discussion points from the Social Care Workforce Research Unit (King's College, London) 2014 Annual Conference.

The health of homeless people in high-income countries: descriptive epidemiology, health consequences, and clinical and policy recommendations

In the European Union, more than 400 000 individuals are homeless on any one night and more than 600 000 are homeless in the USA. The causes of homelessness are an interaction between individual and structural factors. Individual factors include poverty, family problems, and mental health and substance misuse problems.

Life space and mental health: a study of older community-dwelling persons in Australia

The ability of older people to mobilise within and outside their community is dependent on a number of factors. This study explored the relationship between spatial mobility and psychological health among older adults living in Australia.

Extending the housing options for older people

Ideally, older people should be supported to remain in their existing home with the provision of care and support as required; but for some this is not possible and others may wish to choose an alternative.

Housing in later life

This UK report outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for older people’s housing with recommendations for action. One key action is to make sure that older people themselves are at the forefront of the housing debate. As this report makes clear, there isn’t one simple solution that will suit everyone.

Policy Paper: Health Housing and Ageing

This is one of a series of policy papers published by the UK national Housing and Ageing Alliance to stimulate debate and a coherent policy response to the critical issue of demographic change and housing. Housing quality and suitability is a major determinant of health and well-being, There is a causal link between housing and the main long term health conditions.

Meeting the Housing and Care Needs of Older Homeless Adults: A Permanent Supportive Housing Program Targeting Homeless Elders

The homeless population is aging faster than the general population in the United States. As this vulnerable population continues to age, addressing complex care and housing needs will become increasingly important.

Age friendly societies in our time? A literature review

This project sought to gain an understanding of the state and breadth of knowledge about the social isolation of older people in urban areas, with particular attention paid to housing form, and formal and informal care. The coverage is of international material in English; with items emanating from or relating to Canada generally, being of particular interest.

A Good Life in Old Age? Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-Term Care

The Netherlands was the first amongst OECD countries to introduce compulsory Social Health Insurance for long-term care in 1968. Since 1994, it has been one of the few countries to advocate personal care budgets. Long-term care in the Netherlands has comprehensive coverage, the possibility to choose services in cash, and a high availability of home care services.
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