
Aging in Place in the Village - Social Work Roles Shine

This article focuses on the grassroots, consumer-driven, volunteer-first model that is most prominent in the US Village movement for older people wanting to age in place.

Prevalence of Homeless Older Adults and Factors Causing Their Homelessness: A Review

Objectives: To examine the prevalence of homeless older adults and causes of homelessness among the elderly. Methods: Systematic review involving search of Medline, Cochrane Review and GoogleScholar, including homeless, homelessness, elder, elderly, aged and in old age. For prevalence, articles before 2000 were excluded, and samples had to be at least 50 ±5 years of age.

Aging and Housing Instability: Homelessness Among Older and Elderly Adults

This article provides a synthesis of recent literature on homelessness among older (age 50-64) and elderly (age 65 and older) adults in the United States. Much of the recent literature and policy focus has been placed on the plight of unstably housed youth and families.

Policy Paper: Health Housing and Ageing

This is one of a series of policy papers published by the UK national Housing and Ageing Alliance to stimulate debate and a coherent policy response to the critical issue of demographic change and housing. Housing quality and suitability is a major determinant of health and well-being, There is a causal link between housing and the main long term health conditions.

Meeting the Housing and Care Needs of Older Homeless Adults: A Permanent Supportive Housing Program Targeting Homeless Elders

The homeless population is aging faster than the general population in the United States. As this vulnerable population continues to age, addressing complex care and housing needs will become increasingly important.

Age friendly societies in our time? A literature review

This project sought to gain an understanding of the state and breadth of knowledge about the social isolation of older people in urban areas, with particular attention paid to housing form, and formal and informal care. The coverage is of international material in English; with items emanating from or relating to Canada generally, being of particular interest.

A Good Life in Old Age? Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-Term Care

The Netherlands was the first amongst OECD countries to introduce compulsory Social Health Insurance for long-term care in 1968. Since 1994, it has been one of the few countries to advocate personal care budgets. Long-term care in the Netherlands has comprehensive coverage, the possibility to choose services in cash, and a high availability of home care services.

Making informed decisions on housing options: the value of advice and support for older people

The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the provision of a UK government-backed, centralised advice and support service, named FirstStop, can assist older people in making informed decisions on ways to plan ahead as their housing and care needs change. Drawing upon conceptual frameworks of residential decision making and through the use of in-depth interviews, the paper examin

The Meaning of 'Ageing in Place' to Older People

This study illuminates the concept of “aging in place” in terms of functional, symbolic, and emotional attachments and meanings of homes, neighbourhoods, and communities. It investigates how older people understand the meaning of “aging in place,” a term widely used in aging policy and research but underexplored with older people themselves.
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