
Social inclusion through ageing-in-place with care?

The onset of ill-health and frailty in later life, within the context of the policy of ageing-in-place, is increasingly being responded to through the provision of home care. In the philosophy of ageing-in-place, the home provides for continuity of living environment, maintenance of independence in the community and social inclusion.

Health, Wellbeing, and the Older People Housing Agenda

This paper is aimed primarily at Health and Wellbeing Board members and seeks to support them in their understanding of: • The impact of poor housing on the health and wellbeing outcomes of older people. • The strategic approaches they can take to influence the provision of housing and housing related services to improve the health and wellbeing of their older population.

The Importance of Social Connectedness in Building Age-Friendly Communities

The purpose of this paper is to further elucidate the importance of social relationships and social connectedness with aging in place and in developing elder-friendly communities.

Housing as a Platform for Improving Outcomes for Older Renters

This paper focuses on low-income older renters and how housing can provide a platform for supporting their independence and well-being.The paper: - provides context for the important role of housing and neighborhoods in supporting independence for older Americans generally and low-income older renters in particular -presents a conceptual framework for the pathways between the housing and servic

The Meaning of 'Ageing in Place' to Older People

This study illuminates the concept of “aging in place” in terms of functional, symbolic, and emotional attachments and meanings of homes, neighbourhoods, and communities. It investigates how older people understand the meaning of “aging in place,” a term widely used in aging policy and research but underexplored with older people themselves.

Infill Development for Older Australians in South East Queensland An Analysis of the Preferences of Older People in the Urban Environment

This research aimed to identify liveable, affordable and sustainable ways to accommodate older people in communities that are becoming more densely populated.

Loneliness and the exchange of social support among older adults in Spain and the Netherlands

Previous research has shown that exchanges of support within social networks reduce the loneliness of older adults.

Housing-related Well-being in Older People: The Impact of Environmental and Financial Influences

This paper uses a new database from Spain to empirically examine the influence of environmental determinants of housing-related wellbeing (housing satisfaction) among older people, alongside investment explanations, namely homeownership and housing wealth.

Building Mutual Support & Social Capital in Retirement Communities

This edition of Viewpoint explores what it might mean to build ‘social capital’ in specialist housing for older people and the opportunities and obstacles to doing so. It presents and reflects on good practice examples which are seeking to do this through volunteering, peer support, social enterprise and co-production.

Housing an ageing population: lessons from North America

Research has shown that the preference for the vast majority of people is to remain living in their own homes as independently as possible as they age. I was keen to discover how ageing in place is facilitated in the USA and Canada as well as learn about the housing options for those who wish/need to move.
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