
Building Mutual Support & Social Capital in Retirement Communities

This edition of Viewpoint explores what it might mean to build ‘social capital’ in specialist housing for older people and the opportunities and obstacles to doing so. It presents and reflects on good practice examples which are seeking to do this through volunteering, peer support, social enterprise and co-production.

Housing-related Well-being in Older People: The Impact of Environmental and Financial Influences

This paper uses a new database from Spain to empirically examine the influence of environmental determinants of housing-related wellbeing (housing satisfaction) among older people, alongside investment explanations, namely homeownership and housing wealth.

Evaluation of the extra care housing initiative: PSSRU technical report

A central principle underlying the policy of recent UK governments has been to help people maintain their independence in their own homes for as long as possible. More recently, policies have emphasised the personalisation of services, with the aim of giving people greater choice and control over the services they receive.

The health impacts of housing: toward a policy-relevant research agenda

Housing is central to our lives. And while it may be seen on one level as principally about shelter, housing importantly provides other benefits. Affordable, appropriate, and adequate housing is argued to have a marked impact on people’s health, their access to labour markets, and an array of other benefits.

The Nordic Model: evolutions in care and space for the dependant ageing in Sweden with some relevance to Denmark and Norway

During the 20th century, the Nordic countries, Denmark with Faroe Islands and Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, have realized five different but similar-looking welfare states, in which social services are distributed in an egalitarian and uniform way. This paper focuses on eldercare and architecture intended to be used for eldercare.

The effect of housing on the mental health of older people: the impact of lifetime housing history in Whitehall II

Self-reported mental health generally improves by early old age, but social class differences in anxiety and depression increase with age. In this UK study, social inequalities in both self-reported mental health and general health increased in early old age, as the rate of improvement in mental health was less for those in the lower employment grades.

Breaking the Mould: Re-visioning older people’s housing

This UK report describes a number of the business opportunities that an ageing population brings.

Conceptualizing Age-Friendly Communities

The idea that the environment in which older adults live profoundly impacts their lives has a long history in gerontology. Research has focused less on the macro environment – neighbourhood/community, region, or urban-rural localities.

Partnerships Among Community Development, Public Health, And Health Care Could Improve The Well-Being Of Low-Income People

Community development is an enterprise that helps low-income people and communities by giving them access to financing and other tools to build affordable housing, start businesses, and build community facilities such as charter schools, health clinics, and child care centers. In short, community development helps make struggling communities more vibrant economically and stronger socially.
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