
Housing for older people

This UK inquiry has revealed that housing for older people is a complex topic covering the situation for people who ‘stay put’ as much as those who move and what they move to. There are a range of issues involved from home maintenance and adaptations to the role of housing in health and social care integration.

Japan tries to tackle health problems of aging homeless

Public and private efforts are gathering pace to address the increase in the number of elderly homeless Japanese. A nationwide survey by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry found 5,534 people living on the streets or riverbanks as of January 2017, with many of them in urban areas such as central Tokyo’s 23 wards and the city of Osaka. Their average age was 61.5 as of October 2016, a rise of a

Keep fixing Australia’s aged care system … taking the next steps in tandem with the Royal Commission

Australia’s population is ageing and our aged care system isn’t keeping up. Too many older Australians aren’t getting the support they need, or they’re fighting to be treated with dignity and respect. The Federal Government has invested an additional $5 billion in our aged care sector over five years.

Study protocol: healthy urban living and ageing in place (HULAP): an international, mixed methods study examining the associations between physical activity, built and social environments for older adults the UK and Brazil

The ability to ‘age in place’ is dependent on a range of inter-personal, social and built environment attributes, with the latter being a key area for potential intervention. There is an emerging body of evidence that indicates the type of built environment features that may best support age friendly communities.

Vertical retirement villages are on the rise, and they’re high-tech too

For good quality of life as one ages, there must be optimal retirement options. The default is to stay in one’s current home for as long as possible, or downsize. Some will settle into the quiet life of a retirement village on the urban fringes.

Shared Housing Arrangements in Germany—An Equitable Alternative to Long Term Care Services beyond Homes and Institutions?

Germany has experienced a growing interest and investment in innovative models of aged care that can provide more choice and flexibility to beneficiaries, while reducing the need for costly institutionalization. One model that has gained special attention is shared housing arrangements, in which a limited number of six to eight people in need of care rent private rooms in ordinary apartment build

ODESSA - Optimising Care Delivery Models to Support Ageing in Place

ODESSA is a three-year project with the aim of finding new and innovative ways of adapting a person’s home so that they can live independently for longer and avoid going into residential care, as well as making it easier for them to access public services such as health and social services.

Evaluation of the Homeshare pilots

Part of a series of three reports, this executive summary covers the third and final report from the evaluation of the UK Homeshare pilots programme.

Learn to Innovate – European lessons on designing for ageing well

This ongoing research to develop innovative senior living schemes in towns and cities in the UK looks at examples in Denmark and The Netherlands. Observations from two urban care homes in Copenhagen, that actively encourage social connection through the provision of shared and social spaces.
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