
International aged care: a quick guide

Aged care, as it is known in Australia, is usually called ‘long-term care’ or ‘social care’ in other countries. It is organised, funded and delivered in many different ways. Not all countries provide public support, and levels of social protection (public coverage of care costs) vary widely.

Older persons in rural and remote areas

Rural and remote areas in many countries experience more pronounced population ageing than urban areas and subsequently, have a higher share of older residents.

The Role of the Socio-Physical Environment on Aging in Place for Older Adults in Cohousing and Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the influence of the physical and social environment of home and neighbourhood on aging in place processes among older adults in NORC and cohousing communities in Canada.

Ageing Well: A Housing Manifesto

Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community and involved with family and friends.

Sheffield Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy 2017-2021

This strategy sets out how we plan to meet the housing needs and aspirations of Sheffield’s increasingly diverse and growing older population.

How Will The Villages Age With Their Members?

As grassroots organizations of older adults, The Villages are based on the idea of neighbors helping neighbors. But having been around for 15 years, the national Village movement faces a new challenge. As they move into advanced age, there will be problems with memory loss, with fragility, with hospitalizations, with the need for more support on a regular basis.

Ageing in squalor and distress: older people in the private rented sector

The UK media often reports high figures for the amount of housing wealth owned by older people. But these reports can obscure the fact that more than 21 per cent of older people over 55 have no housing wealth at all. This percentage is likely to grow as increasing numbers of older people find themselves living in rented property.

Submission to the Parliament of Victoria Legal and Social Issues Committee Inquiry into the retirement housing sector

The policy challenge for housing an ageing population is how to sustain and enhance wellbeing across an individual’s life, while at the same time reducing the inequalities within each generation, and ensuring an equitable allocation of resources between the generations.6

Housing for Older People: Future Perspectives

As people age they spend more time in their own homes. This means that older people’s quality of life, and thus their health, can depend on the appropriateness of their home environment and the conditions in which they live. For many, living in adapted or specialist housing reduces reliance on health services and can contribute to a greater sense of wellbeing.

A Literature Review of Homelessness and Aging: Suggestions for a Policy and Practice-Relevant Research Agenda

Homelessness among older people is a growing concern across Canada and is expected to rise with demographic change. Yet current knowledge, policies, and practices on homelessness largely focus on younger populations. Likewise, research and policies on aging typically overlook homelessness.
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