Housing Affordability

Affordable housing is a problem for older Australians, too

Seniors are often overlooked in discussions of housing affordability. This may be because there is a perception that they have bought, and paid off, their homes. However, housing availability and affordability present significant difficulties for many older people. Contrary to popular belief, many older people are not home owners or choose (or can afford) to live in retirement villages.

Intergenerational Housing Support between Retired Old Parents and their Children in Urban China

Tackling low housing affordability in cities has become a key concern for the Chinese government, as it is increasingly associated with ensuring social stability as well as guaranteeing a decent standard of living for urban residents.

The Trajectory Towards Marginality: How Do Older Australians Find Themselves Dependent on the Private Rental Market?

For older Australians being dependent on the private rental market is usually associated with serious financial hardship and insecurity. This article examines the housing careers of older Australians who are dependent on the private rental market. The article explores the trajectory into the private rental market and finds a crucial factor was an inability to access social housing.

Ageing and Women's Homelessness: Overcoming the bag lady syndrome

Australia is facing a tsunami of poverty amongst ageing female baby boomers that will directly affect their well-being, economic viability, and housing options. Flow-on effects will impact on families, support agencies, governments, and the community as whole. While support agencies and federal and state governments have recognised the issue there has been little action.

Affordability of Retirement Housing in the UK

This UK-wide study examines how the affordability of retirement housing affects the housing options available to older people. It considers three research questions: - whether retirement housing is likely to be viable financially for the majority of older people (i.e.

Market Assessment of Housing Options for Older People

This UK study addresses three broad groups of questions: - Choice, availability and affordability: If an older person or couple is thinking about moving, do they have a wide enough choice of suitable housing? Are developers and providers offering what older people want (and if not, why not)?

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research study was designed to explore the issues that relate to private rental and people on a low income using three sources for data collection: • A review of the literature and policy environment surrounding private rental in Australia and Victoria • A collection of quantitative data from service providers and government agencies. • Interviews to explore the experiences of individuals, se

Evidence on the Relationship Between Unaffordable Housing and Poor Health

This paper examines the relationship between poor health and poor housing affordability for Australians, to answer two essential questions for Australian policy makers: Does poor health lead to unaffordable housing? And does unaffordable housing affect people’s health?

Housing costs and living standards among the elderly

How do the living standards of older Australians compare with those of the overall population? How much variation in living standards is there across the elderly population and how have their living standards changed over time? Home ownership has been identified as an important aspect of the retirement support package in Australia.

Demographics of homelessness series: The rising elderly population

This paper provides an assessment of the recent and projected changes in homelessness among the elderly and assesses the ability of public affordable housing programs to handle the projected growth in elderly persons at-risk of housing instability and homelessness.
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