Pathways into homelessness

Women and Homelessness in Spain

This work focuses on the situation of homeless women in present-day Spain. This constitutes both a social and a personal problem embedded in the dynamics of social exclusion and linked to the interplay among structural, family/relational, personal and cultural elements.

How does homelessness affect senior women?

In 2013, the OECD reported that Canada has a low old-age poverty rate compared to other OECD countries—7.2%—but it is rising while other countries’ are decreasing.

Older Homeless Women in Australia

Concern has been mounting for some time about a deteriorating wealth divide within Australian society. Central to these concerns is the lack of affordable housing. This post examines one aspect of this troubling national trend – an increasing number of women at retirement age are experiencing difficulty in finding affordable and secure housing.

Rethinking the Care Needs of Older Homeless People

Our research project, “Homelessness in Late life: Growing Old on the Streets, in Shelters, and Long-term Care” explores the challenges older homelessness brings for aging societies as a whole and for service providers working in housing, shelter and long-term care. It involves a critical policy analysis; qualitative interviews with service providers and older homeless people; and participant obse

Prevalence of Homeless Older Adults and Factors Causing Their Homelessness: A Review

Objectives: To examine the prevalence of homeless older adults and causes of homelessness among the elderly. Methods: Systematic review involving search of Medline, Cochrane Review and GoogleScholar, including homeless, homelessness, elder, elderly, aged and in old age. For prevalence, articles before 2000 were excluded, and samples had to be at least 50 ±5 years of age.

Aging and Housing Instability: Homelessness Among Older and Elderly Adults

This article provides a synthesis of recent literature on homelessness among older (age 50-64) and elderly (age 65 and older) adults in the United States. Much of the recent literature and policy focus has been placed on the plight of unstably housed youth and families.

The Trajectory Towards Marginality: How Do Older Australians Find Themselves Dependent on the Private Rental Market?

For older Australians being dependent on the private rental market is usually associated with serious financial hardship and insecurity. This article examines the housing careers of older Australians who are dependent on the private rental market. The article explores the trajectory into the private rental market and finds a crucial factor was an inability to access social housing.

Local government research into a 'hidden' issue

City of Bundoora and Monash University collaborative research exploring the experiences & issues that place single older women (55+) at risk of homelessness or that lead to homelessness.

Ageing and Women's Homelessness, Fighting the bag lady syndrome

Australia is facing a tsunami of poverty amongst ageing female baby boomers that will directly affect their well-being, economic viability, and housing options. This paper sets out the key findings from research into older women and housing security in Australia.
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