
The Value of Sheltered Housing

An estimated 71% of supported housing properties in Great Britain house older people – most of these are owned and managed by housing associations.

Women over 60 the new face of Queensland homelessness, agency warns

Women over 60 are becoming the new high-risk group for homelessness as Queensland struggles to make up the shortfall caused by 49,000 fewer social houses being built since 2006.

Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village Sector Report

This report presents the Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village;s findings and makes 17 recommendations to improve the legislative framework for retirement villages and the operational practices of both the industry and the regulator, NSW Fair Trading. It recommned that the operation of the retirement village sector be improved in three key areas: - increasing the transparency of exit fees and

Health and welfare profile of Australian baby boomers who live in rented accommodation – implications for the future

Baby boomers who rent are often overlooked as an important sub-group. this research assessed the chronic conditions, risk factors, socio-economic factors and other health-related factors associated with renting in private or public housing.

Ageing and Homelessness: Solutions for a growing problem

An ageing population and growing levels of housing stress will increase the number of people at risk of ageing in to homelessness. One in six people aged over 55 who received help from a homelessness service reported having financial difficulties. Appropriate housing that is truly affordable is a key part of the solution.

Living Arrangements of Older Persons: A Report on an Expanded International Dataset

Population ageing is occurring everywhere: nearly every country in the world is expected to experience a substantial increase in the proportion of the population aged 60 years or over between 2017 and 2050. Population ageing is occurring along with broader social and economic changes that are taking place around the world.

Thousands of over-55s pushed to the front of social housing queue

Seven thousand people at risk of homelessness in Victoria will be moved onto a high-priority waiting list for secure social housing, but on one condition – they must be aged 55 or older. In May the Andrews government gazetted a new social housing category solely for those aged 55 and older

Housing affordability in retirement: current and future issues

This presentation looks at ways in which the issue of housing affordability in retirement can be addressed in Australia.

Two pictures of rental housing stress and vulnerability zero in on areas of need

The article discusses Australia's Rental Affordability Index and the Rental Vulnerability Index. Definition of each term and policy use of the data using Queensland as an example.

Rise in Older Women Now Couch Surfing or Sleeping in Their Car

Imagine reaching the age of 55 and having to choose between couch surfing or sleeping in your car each night. This is the situation for thousands of older women in Australia. Last year 1,618 women aged over 50 who presented at homelessness services were couch surfing according to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data. This number has risen by 83% in the last four years.
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