
Rise in Older Women Now Couch Surfing or Sleeping in Their Car

Imagine reaching the age of 55 and having to choose between couch surfing or sleeping in your car each night. This is the situation for thousands of older women in Australia. Last year 1,618 women aged over 50 who presented at homelessness services were couch surfing according to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data. This number has risen by 83% in the last four years.

Housing affordability in retirement: current and future issues

This presentation looks at ways in which the issue of housing affordability in retirement can be addressed in Australia.

Two pictures of rental housing stress and vulnerability zero in on areas of need

The article discusses Australia's Rental Affordability Index and the Rental Vulnerability Index. Definition of each term and policy use of the data using Queensland as an example.

Housing policies for the elderly: why should we care?

In aging societies, housing responses for the elderly are of increasing importance. This article analyzes the impact of the place of residence and deals with the problem of housing policies from the perspective of an elderly person. The study suggests that community dwelling elderly have significantly higher quality of life and experience less loneliness.

Another lost opportunity for housing affordability

The 2017 budget highlights the government’s preference for cosmetic rather than consequential changes in housing policy. On downsizing, the government has badged a giveaway to a small number of seniors as a housing affordability measure.

Exploring the Housing Needs of Older People in Standard and Sheltered Housing

It is clearly important that the most appropriate models of housing provision for older people are investigated, and this is particularly important for older people living in social housing who may be at more risk of adverse life outcomes. However, there is a paucity of research investigating the opinions and attitudes of older people themselves.

The Australian dream: Housing Experiences of Older Australians

With a significant and growing proportion of Australians aged over 65, the so-called “Australian Dream” is facing stark realities. In The Australian Dream: Housing Experiences of Older Australians, Professor Alan Morris goes directly to the coal-face, drawing on 125 in-depth interviews and comparing real world experience with the trends and needs of an ageing Australia. Those older Australians r

Our Housing AGEnda: meeting the aspirations of older people in Wales

Current housing supply in Wales does not reflect the lifestyle choices that people want or need as they age. This report addresses this issue and invites a range of stakeholders to consider their role in developing a transformational experience in housing for older people in Wales.

Housing our ageing population: Learning from councils meeting the housing need for our ageing population

There is a distinct and urgent need to better provide a range of housing options to meet the wide variety of housing circumstances, aspirations and needs of people as they age. Between 2008 and 2039, 74 per cent of projected household growth will be made up of households with someone aged 65 or older.

Metro-based retirees affected by housing affordability

The latest Milliman Retirement Expectations and Spending Profiles report found that those retires who rent privately in Sydney saw their annual cost of living two-thirds higher in order to enjoy the same life quality as homeowners.
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