Future of an Ageing Population
The ageing population will change demand for housing in the UK. In particular,it is likely that more adaptable and specialised housing will be needed. Suitable housing can significantly improve life in older age, while unsuitable housing can be the source of multiple problems and costs. Homes will be increasingly used as places of work and care.
Residential Transition for Older Queenslanders
Queensland’s ageing population will present enormous opportunities and challenges over coming decades. Housing plays a foundational role in assuring quality of life, ageing in place, and supporting active and independent living for older Queenslanders.
Homes for Life: Towards an older persons housing strategy
Homes for Life: Towards an older persons housing strategy has been developed by a coalition of non-government organisations concerned about the increasing housing affordability crisis facing our ageing population.
As our population ages there is massive housing change underway. Home ownership, formerly the foundation of our housing, pension and aged care system, is rapidly in decline.
Comprehensive National Strategy for the Homeless 2015-2020
The 2015-2020 Comprehensive National Strategy for the Homeless is the instrument proposed by the Government to address homelessness and create a comprehensive framework of action for this group of people. Homelessness is the most extreme result of social exclusion in our country and the most visible.
Social Sector-led Elderly Housing in Denmark and Japan
Denmark has been a pioneer in social-sectorled elderly housing. It is especially known for a high level of participation from the social
sector and a generally high standard of retirement housing design and service delivery. The social sector provides for 20% of social housing in Denmark whereas the government provides for just 2%.
Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand's planning system influences market outcomes
This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand.
It will then consider how the recently introduced Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, through its recognition of the importance of affordable housing supply,
Home sweet home? The gap between housing supply and demand for an ageing population
Recent UK research has highlighted the very real crisis in housing. The dearth of available, affordable housing reflects a decline in investment from both the private and public sector.
Agile housing for an Ageing Australia
By 2055, Australia’s 65+ population will have doubled and, if current strategies are followed, it is likely that the housing available will be inappropriate. Today’s housing stock will still be in use yet few developers and designers are capitalising on the potential of agile housing and, more broadly, the creation of age-friendly neighbourhoods.
Aging on the Streets: America’s Growing Older Homeless Population
The face of American homelessness is changing — into an older one. People 50 and older make up more than 30 percent of the nation’s homeless population.
Adopting the Lifelong Communities Initiative in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area
The older adult population in the US has been growing since 1950. The quality of life of older citizens may be reduced if adopted Lifelong Communities (LLC) initiative principles are executed poorly or not at all. The purpose of this case study was to describe and explore the experiences of local government officials in Atlanta, Georgia who have adopted LLC initiatives.
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